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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1329

Austin sat down cross-legged and began moving his hands in certain special directions, as directed by the gestures used to cultivate swordsmanship. Finally, they stopped right in front of his elixir field.

He had repeatedly read and perused the cultivation method of the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship in his Soul Sea and finally, after four careful examinations, he began to cultivate it.

Pretty soon, Austin forgot all worldly things and got a hundred per cent immersed in the cultivation of the swordsmanship.

The very first step he had to do was to absorb sword auras from the outside world. They would have to be summoned to him before anything else.

Ten minutes later.


With a mighty sound, the sword auras that were hovering above the Sword Treasure-house began to drift elsewhere. They weren't directed towards him yet, but they were getting uneasy, as if they had been summoned.

Within moments, they caught direction and began drifting towards Austin. It was both an entrancing and fearsome sight.

With time, these dense sword auras, which were flying towards Austin, increased and flew over from all directions as slowly as a peacefully swimming fish.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

When these sword auras reached Austin, they hesitated for a second as if for dramatic effect and were then absorbed directly into his Soul Sea.

Inside, they were directly trapped by Austin's spiritual sense, and began to be refined. This was the essence of this cultivation method.

Known as the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship, the idea behind it was the combination of external sword auras and one's own spiritual sense.

When these two components got merged into a small area, they would get highly compressed, and they, if cultivated right, would change into a sword made purely out of spiritual sense.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As if a hundred weren't enough, thousands of sword auras, looking like locusts in transit, quickly moved towards Austin and constantly flew into his Soul Sea.


An hour later, their calm and pacified pace was increased several times when hundreds of thousands of sword auras, together looking like a huge tsunami, rushed towards Austin.

Much like a black hole, his Soul Sea absorbed them all and sent them to his spiritual sense.

Within a few seconds, the place where Austin was gathering these sword auras became completely filled by them. The density was extreme now, like neutron stars.

Their bright light seemed to swallow him up whole.

If seen from a distance, only a huge dazzling ball of sword auras would be visible; Austin himself was out of sight and no one could have guessed he was in there.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Inside Austin's Soul Sea, thousands of these sword auras roamed around, trapped by his spiritual sense, and being merged and refined constantly.

About half an hour later, Austin estimated that by now, he must have absorbed at least tens of thousands of sword auras already!

In the past, it would have been impossible for him to do that.

Each of the sword auras in the Sword Treasure-house was extremely sharp and powerful. If someone less powerful than him had tried this method, he would have been fried and pierced.

If it hadn't been for cultivation, Austin would have definitely turned around and run away upon the sight of these tens of thousands of sword auras. This wasn't an easy cup of tea! It had taken strength beyond the ordinary man's reckoning.

In any case, Austin had absorbed tens of thousands of sword auras.


Four more hour passed and then, every single sword aura above the Sword Treasure-house seemed to have been stimulated.

Their lights failed to brighten up the sky that was dimming abruptly.

Inside the Sword Treasure-house, it looked like the end of the world. Countless sword auras roared and rumbled towards Austin. It was as if they had grown eyes and been ridiculously angry at him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

They continued to flow towards Austin and continued to get absorbed by him.

By now, there were hundreds of thousands of sword auras in total.

Some of them were as thin as hairs and fingers, while some were as thick as adult arms; some were as wide as door panels, and some of them broke all bounds and were several times larger than door panels. A few of them crossed even that boundary and their ends could not be seen!

However, none of these sword auras hurt Austin. Instead, they all rushed into his Soul Sea and were continuously absorbed, as if they were nothing but common moonlight.

Be that as it may, Austin was completely unharmed, but he was still upset about it.

That was astounding, since if he had not been training for the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship right now, he would have been broken into pieces or stabbed to death, his body full of holes in all the wrong places.

Suddenly, in front of the cliff inside of which were the Trialing Corridors, something happened!


a figure rushed out of one of the Trialing Corridors.

It was Baldwin.

"Ha ha ha!

It took some work, but I have finally reached the level two sword domain already!"

Although he was covered in blood and full of wounds, he couldn't help but laugh out loud at his success. He was alive and had passed the trial.


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