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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1353

But Austin soon felt the air behind his head stir violently. This was not good news. The noise was becoming louder and louder.

He peeped back and caught sight of a black figure not far behind him. It darted towards him, like a black spear, at a fast pace. With its lightning speed, the vast distance of hundreds of thousands of meters, which separated them, was gradually shortened in the blink of an eye.

Austin heard something dashing in his direction a few meters behind him.

He swiftly dodged aside just in time to avoid the incoming attack.

'Damn it! He's coming already. Can't he simply leave me alone?

He would seriously not stop until he kills me! What a stubborn old man.

He is so close that I can even sense his breath!

He is definitely one scary enemy.

I've exerted my Diabolic Flashing Skill to this extreme. Each leap can cover as far as over fifty thousand meters in distance.

This is the most extraordinary speed I can do under such circumstances, an impossible feat during normal moments.

Despite of that, he will soon overtake me. His speed is seriously much faster than mine. And he is able to launch attacks at me in spite of the tremendous amount of energy he must exert in order to achieve that speed.'

Austin ran desperately with his all that he had as he murmured secretly in his heart.

He suddenly heard a loud wave of wind passed by him.

The demon race ancestor had sped up as well.

He was already closing in on Austin and would soon overtake him.

The distance between them shortened inch by inch every second that passed by.

"Surrender, sniveling human boy!

There's no way you can possibly escape from me again. Stop wasting your energy and accept your death already.

No matter what you do, your fate will never change. So, stop struggling already. I might give you a quick and painless death if you do!"

sneered the demon race ancestor in an arrogant manner. Although Austin only caught some of his words clearly, he understood perfectly well the gist of the old man.

"Stupid human! You dare ignore me? Then have a taste of my giant demon soldier!"

said the demon race ancestor angrily in response to Austin's disrespectful behavior.

The air around them stirred and changed dramatically as soon as the demon race ancestral god finished speaking.

A shadow of the demon ancestor, several meters high, appeared right before Austin all of a sudden. It had three heads and six arms, and stood on two huge wheels burning with black flames and seethed with thick waves of smoke. It held a forked spear emitting fire in each of its ends. Its faces were distorted in anger, an extreme killing intent written all over them. It shouted and dashed towards Austin in the blink of an eye.

A ray of light suddenly flashed in the air at the same time.

Austin initiated his Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship instantly. A ray of invisible sword aura immediately darted towards the giant shadow. It slammed at its body and produced a hissing sound.

The attack from Austin only stopped the shadow from advancing for a seconds. It soon rallied its force and resumed its attack. It was as if it was only hit by an insignificant force and didn't even left a dent on its body.

Its master, the demon race ancestor, watched its advance at ease. He stood on the head of the giant black demonic dragon and crossed his hands behind his back in a leisurely manner as if he were simply watching a wonderful show.

He was having so much fun as he observed the fight unfolded between the two sides. It was rare to encounter such a talented human warrior after all. It was definitely interesting to see how the talented human warrior would die as his toy after he tortured him to death.

The sight of Austin scrambling away in a hurry from the shadow's attacks brought a brilliant smiles to his face. He was definitely crazy for enjoying and having so much interest in ruthlessly killing his enemy.

The game of chicken only lasted for a couple of seconds.

The giant shadow that was several hundred meters high had finally overtaken Austin at last.

It suddenly waved its huge spear with flames and aimed it straight at Austin with great force. It was as if it intended to skewer Austin with the spear.

A loud voice suddenly filled the air just as when the forked spear was swung in the sky.


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