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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1361

The battle in the Mysterious Sky City had severely shaken the spirits and power of the demon army. They had suffered at least five hundred thousand casualties. That was a catastrophic number.

Very few common warriors had survived. Those who had managed to flee comprised mainly of a handful of demon semi-emperors and some other demons at a lower cultivation base.

The human warriors on the other hand, were ecstatic. They had won a war after almost losing it even before its beginning and that was something that didn't come along very often.

But during those celebrations, one bad thing happened out of the blue.

The very next day after the war, rumor spread that Austin had died during the war.

Several leaders of the Southern Alliances Army who had reached the Semi-emperor Realm suddenly declared to the public that Austin had indeed been killed in battle. What was worse, they demanded that the A. L. Army should be disbanded immediately and all its members should join the Southern Alliances Army.

Such fake rumors weren't the only dirty means they tried. There were threats made, and cajolery shoved down the A. L. Army soldiers' way to bring them around. In fact, some warriors of the A. L. Army were even subdued eventually. They bowed out of the A. L. Army and became a member of the Southern Alliances Army.

However, there was still a large proportion of the A. L. Army who insisted that Austin was still alive. They also vowed that they would never withdraw from the A. L. Army, and would continue pursuing its cause.

Their actions irritated the leaders a lot! In a fit of rage, they increased their threats and finally, when the warriors wouldn't budge from their stance, the leaders imprisoned them all.

As if that wasn't enough, warriors of the A. L. Army were killed in the course of their conflict. This loss of life was more painful than that which had occurred during the war.

"And that is the whole story,"

Earl looked at the man nervously after he had narrated the whole thing for him.

"Hang on! All leaders? But what about Godwin, Peter, and Julius? They are of my supporters and also leaders in the headquarters of the Southern Alliances Army. Do you know about them? What are their attitudes toward this matter?"

Austin enquired after thinking for a second.

Godwin had been Austin's master and would always support him. Peter and Julius also seemed well disposed towards him.

More importantly, those three were quite powerful. They were semi-emperors and their opinions mattered quite a lot in the decision making process.

Also, Austin simply didn't believe that they would stand by and watch the warriors of the A. L. Army being forced into something they didn't want to by everyone else.

"You are right, my lord. The three grand old men you mentioned are indeed strongly opposed to the dissolution of the A. L. Army. But what can be done. They are only three, after all.

It is said that they almost had a falling out with the other leaders in the Southern Alliances Army because of this matter.

However, it has been an eventful last few days. Something happened out of the blue. We could tell it was big because it caused those three men to suddenly leave the Mysterious Sky City together and disappear.

And now, there is no one who can stand up for the A. L. Army in the city anymore.

It was only after their departure, that the remaining members of the A. L. Army were finally thrown in prison,"

Earl answered respectfully.


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