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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1379

''Attack them! Kill them!''

From Sky Sect came endless sounds and restless echoes of men shouting, roaring, and fighting.

The shock impacts of vital energy force clashing with each other filled the sky.

Affected by the strong impact, the buildings of Sky Sect headquarters were shattered and destroyed one by one.

"Austin! You little bastard!

Go to hell!"

Lenard dashed towards Austin and approached him in a blink of an eye.

He shouted at Austin, murderously like a maniac as though he was losing all of his sanity.

"Purple Energy Manipulating Skill!"

Lenard let out a dreadful roar.

From his mouth spurted out immense purple energy, which then formed into nine purple rivers like cataracts hanging upside down in the sky.

In every river, there seemed to be mirages of warriors in purple clothes displaying their martial arts and swordsmanship.

They combined with one another by following a particular trace

and finally became one astounding array.

Even Austin marveled at the spectacular scene.

Lenard's secret skill was indeed inscrutable and powerful. Although he was at the middle level of Semi-emperor Realm, his power was greatly strengthened by the Purple Energy Manipulating Skill.

This meant that he could actually release a power equivalent to that of a warrior who was at the premium stage of Semi-emperor Realm.

No wonder he became the leader of the Sky Sect.

''Hump! You're still not strong enough to stop me," Austin sneered with a grim smile.

He was not afraid at all because he had the confidence to defeat a man of Lenard's caliber.

In response to Lenard's attack, Austin released his perfect level four sword domain. Suddenly, the endless sword aura sprang up and made a sword domain beside him.

And then, suddenly...


The sword-light sprinkled a cold, resplendent, and bright glimmer.

Together with that beaming light was a faint bumming sound that was heard by everyone.


The sword auras then clashed fiercely with the purple rivers, making immense shock waves reverberate in all directions.

The shock waves were brought an intense force, sending many warriors of the Sky Sect thrown away.

Some of the weak ones were blasted into mere dust of ashes.

Even Lenard was beaten back hundreds of meters away.

He could barely stop himself from falling, and felt the blood and vital energy in his body vibrate because of the hit.

After the first round of attack, Lenard immediately realized that Austin possessed more strength and power over him.

"Oh? Try this!"

Seeing that Lenard was able to fend off his attack, Austin let out a loud shout and again dashed towards him.

Since Austin had familiarized himself with the Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship, he could kill a warrior at the preliminary stage of Semi-emperor Realm in a single strike.

Also, he could easily kill a warrior at the middle stage of Semi-emperor Realm within several moves.

When confronted by a master at the premium stage of Semi-emperor Realm, he could still win if he used all his power.

This was because Austin was just a little more powerful than a master at the premium stage of Semi-emperor Realm.

His demonic avatar, however, could kill Lenard as easily as blowing away a speck of dust, because it had the power of a demon emperor.

Austin's vital energy force was just at the premium stage of Heaven Realm.

However, he had a perfect level four sword domain and Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship, which gave him the confidence to challenge his enemies with a higher cultivation base.

Even though Lenard was at the middle stage of Semi-emperor Realm, his Purple Energy Manipulating Skill was on a whole different level.

It made him as powerful as a warrior at the premium stage of Semi-emperor Realm.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

With his Dominant Spiritual Sense Swordsmanship, Austin constantly released powerful sword-light and terrifying sword auras.

While he was busy demonstrating that swordsmanship, his demonic avatar was also occupied doing its own job.

It got itself into a fight with the two Semi-emperor Realm reclusive elders of Sky Sect.

It had grasped a dozen demonic skills, which all contained destructive power, making the Sky Sect headquarters tremble under the impact.

After several rounds of fight, one of the reclusive elders could not fend off the attack of the demonic avatar anymore.

"No! That's impossible!"

He was smashed into mists of blood in just a jiffy.


Provoked by his comrade's sudden death, the remaining reclusive elder attacked the demonic avatar frenziedly.

After two or three strikes, the demonic avatar quickly broke his defense.

"Austin, you bastard! I will hunt you down and avenge him even if I die today and become a ghost!" the last reclusive elder screeched as he knew his death was inescapable.

After a few seconds, he was smashed into nothing but blood and flesh.

On the other hand, Austin was still fighting with Lenard.

The rumbling sound of their battle echoed throughout the entire area.

However, after several more strikes, Austin found a crack in Lenard and successfully hit his right arm.

The latter could only let out a sorrowful cry after losing his right arm. He muffled the wound with his hands and quickly retreated several steps back.


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