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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1387

Upon hearing all those people gather there wishing to see Austin, Godwin, Julius, and Peter rushed out of the mountain and hurried towards Austin. In a matter of a few seconds, they appeared on Austin's side.

Aside from them, the Queen, Clark, and several dozens of A.L. Army chiefs accompanied Austin. They all lined up behind him.

After a while, sounds of chaos reverberated in the area.

The buzz and chatter came from the crowd of people that lingered from afar.

Coming from all directions, figures of flying men came rushing towards Austin and the others.

Among the incoming crowd, some exuded fierce and powerful vital energy force.

Up close, some members of the approaching crowd were noticeably impressive-looking. They walked and moved with poise and grace. Scanning them one by one, anyone could notice the refined stance and glamorous aura that they eluded. They all had remarkable qualities. They were obviously men of high positions who had reigned for a long time already.

"Oh Commander Austin, please excuse my bluntness.

My name is Frankie, and I am the leader of the Thunder Sect from the Elite Holy Kingdom. I came all the way here to pay a personal call on you, Commander Austin."

A tall and sturdy man approached the young commander. He was bold enough to introduce himself first. He was a middle-aged man with a full forehead and rosy cheeks. He was surrounded by luminous electric arcs that seemed to flicker brighter when he got excited.

This man who introduced himself as the leader of the Thunder Sect was at the medium stage of Semi-emperor Realm.

A few other people appeared after. A dozen disciples stood behind him.

Based on their aura and refined posture, it seemed that those other people are high ranking individuals in the Thunder Sect as well.

"Aw, Godwin, Julius, Peter! You guys are also here!

It has been a while since we last saw each other. How are you doing, my dear old friends?"

Frankie asked the three. When he was approaching the three, he noticed that they were all standing closely behind the respected commander.

Godwin, Julius, and Peter had long made a reputation for themselves in the South Continent and Frankie was on the same generation as them. It was only fair to say that these four men evenly matched in rankings. Because of this, they had become close friends.

"Thunder Sect?" Austin murmured lowly.

Among the words of introduction of this guy in front of him, that was what struck him the most. The mentioned Thunder Sect made him remember the thunder unicorn he met when he was still in the Violet Orchid Empire.

The thunder unicorn was round up and cornered by a man called Elder Adrian and his accomplices. They were allegedly from the Thunder Sect. They continued to torment the badly wounded beast, until he slowly fell to his death.

However, before the beast finally let out his last breath, he gave Austin his Thunder Elixir and beast soul. It was offered to him in exchange for a favor. The beast demanded revenge. Austin promised that he would grant the dying wish when the time comes. Austin never forgot about the promise that he made to the thunder unicorn.

"Oh, Frankie, I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. There are some people that I want to inquire about from you.

Does your Thunder Sect have these three elders named Elder Adrian, Elder Horace, and Elder Sheldon?

They once accompanied the young master of your beloved sect to a small, remote land called Violet Orchid Empire."

Thinking about the dead unicorn, Austin did not grant Frankie a warm welcome. On the contrary, his smile was faint and his voice sounded flat.

He then roughly described the three elders he mentioned earlier. He explained all the details of how the elders and the young master looked like.

Frankie, the renowned leader of Thunder Sect, had always been worshiped and admired by most people. But he could not help but feel uneasy when Austin treated him indifferently. He had no idea why the commander acted a little hostile to him.


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