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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1409

After entering the imperial capital city, Austin rushed towards the royal palace without any further delay.

The entrance of the Mysterious Nether World was through the garden behind the royal palace. It was in the sky above a square.

Before he arrived at the royal palace, Austin released his spiritual sense and checked the surroundings. He wanted to give the surroundings a thorough look just to be sure that there was no threat or danger around.

Soon, Austin discovered the presence of the emperor of the Violet Orchid Empire.

Earlier, the emperor of the Violet Orchid Empire and the other members of the royal family had gone to the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom, under Austin's lead. They had stayed at Master Li's place.

Soon after the demon race in the South Continent had been wiped out, the emperor, together with the other members of the royal family rushed back to the Violet Orchid Empire. He planned to resume his position as the emperor once again.

Though he felt the presence of the emperor, Austin did not go to meet him.

He did so because the main purpose of his visit this time was to enter the Mysterious Nether World.

It was the most important thing he needed to do, to help Angus rebuild his physical body.

"How dare you! Who are you?

You've got the courage to roam about like this in front of the royal palace! Have you lost your mind?"

Austin had just reached the gates of the royal palace when he heard those words. Some guards found him and started shouting at him. They surrounded him as if he was a bad guy, out to harm the people living in the palace.

Austin gave a soft and calm smile. If he had met such a situation in earlier times, he would have got into a fight against the guards.

But things had changed now. He had improved his strength so much. His mind had developed and transformed greatly as well. The guards in front of him were only at the eighth or ninth level of Energy Gathering Realm. The strongest one was probably at the preliminary stage of Earth Realm.

Being so powerful now, Austin had become more serene and cautious of his actions. It was quite a small thing for him to mind and react on what they said.

So, Austin used his Diabolic Flashing Skill directly. In a blink of an eye, he had arrived at the square of the garden behind the royal palace.

The guards were dumbstruck as they only saw something flash in front of them and the figure disappeared completely.

Greatly surprised, the guards shouted loudly for a while.

In the end, they reached the conclusion that their eyes were playing tricks with them. They agreed that they had been mistaken about seeing a figure, a few moments ago.

Austin came to the square of the garden behind the royal palace. Surprisingly, he sensed some secret spatial force in the sky above the square.

Such spatial force could be sensed only by cultivators who had practiced the skills of spatial force. And Austin was one among them.

Standing at the center of the square for a while to sense the spatial force which was extending from somewhere, Austin started his bodily movement skill. Soon he came to a specific point in the sky.

Austin found out a spiritual soul sign inside his Soul Sea.

The spiritual soul sign was made by the Flame Emperor last time when he was in the Mysterious Nether World.

At that time, the Flame Emperor told him that if he wanted to enter the Mysterious Nether World again, he just needed to activate the spiritual soul sign near the entrance.

According to the Flame Emperor, he had entered the Mysterious Nether World through the same entrance in the sky, above the square in the garden behind the royal palace.

That time, he had worked out a method to forcibly open the entrance to the Mysterious Nether World.

In addition to that, the Flame Emperor also told him that the method was quite dangerous. Only a cultivator at the Primal Holy Realm or above that, could enter the Mysterious Nether World in this way.

Now that Austin had found the spiritual soul sign in his Soul Sea, he decided to activate it directly.


After the spiritual soul sign of the Flame Emperor was activated, it suddenly rushed out of Austin's Soul Sea.

It dashed into the space in front of Austin.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At the same time, some sounds were heard from the deep end of the space.

A few moments later, things began happening unexpectedly.


A dark crack appeared suddenly in the space. It was about two meters long. Strong spatial force was rampaging through that crack.


The way of opening the Mysterious Nether World according to what the Flame Emperor gave me was different, ' Austin thought.

Austin still remembered the last time when he had entered the Mysterious Nether World. At that time there was a giant gate to the entrance, not a small crack like he saw now.

Suddenly Austin felt that the method that the Flame Emperor had used to open the Mysterious Nether World was quite dangerous.

Austin felt helpless and gave a bitter smile. He was in a dilemma.


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