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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1411

After the burning fire roasted Angus's body in the herbal pot for several minutes, Angus tossed a tenth grade spiritual herb in the pot with a wave of his hand.

The red flames in the herbal pot immediately wrapped around the herb and began to grill it.

Within the time span of a few breaths, the liquid of the tenth grade spiritual herb was being extracted within the pot.

A great strand of pure spiritual energy came out of the green liquid. The amazing spiritual energy made the air around the herbal pot tremble a bit.

Those precious natural resources Austin collected were of great value, each contained wonderful spiritual energy.

Austin admired Angus's superior technique of controlling the degree of heating.

Angus's ability to control fire was better than his own technique.

During his training, Angus passed down his skill of medicine refinement to Austin.

But during the past two years, Austin only focused on martial arts. He spent little time in refining elixirs.

Consequently, Austin was just a grade four pill refiner. Compared with Angus, he was much weaker when it came to refining elixirs.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As more precious natural resources were put into the herbal pot, a strong strand of spiritual energy spread from the old brown purple herbal pot.

Half an hour later, all the precious materials had been refined and their essences were fully extracted.

Numerous colorful essences of the precious materials were hanging inside the herbal pot. They began to surround Angus's body and slowly began spinning.

Angus had a stern look on his face. There were even beads of sweat forming on his forehead.


Angus took a deep breath and sighed with relief.

Then he stretched out his hand and pressed the herbal pot.

The extracted essences from the precious treasures all poured out and dashed towards Angus's body and wrapped around it.

Sizzling sounds were heard the moment the essences touched Angus's body.

All the essences began to slowly permeate Angus's body through every pore on his skin.

The Scorching Evil Fire in the herbal pot was vigorously blazing away. Red flames rushed out from the herbal pot like snakes, heating the air around them.

An hour later, the essences of all the natural treasures had entered Angus's body.

Austin could feel the vigor and life filling Angus's body once again through his spiritual sense.

They were about to do it!

This magical scene left Austin in sheer amazement.

Angus's body showed no signs of life earlier. But now a strong life essence could be felt inside it.

Austin noticed that Angus's face became even more serious than earlier.

"Austin, come here and help me keep the fire burning this way.

This is the most critical step.

Our success depends on stoking the fire in this specific way,"

Angus reminded Austin in a low but authoritative voice.


Looking at Angus' serious face, Austin knew how important the current task was. Without any delay, Austin moved himself and sat beside the herbal pot.

He stretched one hand out and pressed the herbal pot's entrance for fire. With the help of his will, he connected with the Scorching Evil Fire.

"Angus, it is okay now."

Angus nodded his head. A jade bottle then appeared in his hand and an elixir which was full of spiritual energy flew out of it. Angus proceeded to drink the elixir immediately.

He suddenly turned invisible for a brief moment, then transformed into a white light. Angus then flew into the herbal pot.


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