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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1420

"Austin, what on earth do you mean by that?"

Upon hearing what Austin said, Lyman narrowed his eyes at once and stared steadily at Austin -- it was as if he thought he could see through Austin's mind this way.

Right at this moment, Lyman was almost a hundred percent sure that Austin was aware of the fact that he murdered his master five hundred years ago.

And today, Austin had probably come to him to challenge him for that very thing.

Now, as Lyman's mind raced with countless thoughts and ideas, his face showed various complex expressions.

After all, he knew very well that if words that he killed his master five hundred years ago got out, then his reputation, which he worked and fought very hard for, would vanish in the blink of an eye.

Lyman pondered for a long time and finally made up his mind on what he wanted to say next.

"Austin, are you sure you want to force us, the Magic Hand Sect, to death?

You want to do to us what you did to the Sky Sect, don't you? You want to destroy our beloved Magic Hand Sect, too?

Anyway, if that's what you're planning to do, then everyone from our Magic Hand Sect, from the head to the disciples, will fight with every fiber of our beings for our lives and reputation!"

All of a sudden, Lyman's expression suddenly became hostile. He stared Austin right in the eye with a pointed look -- his attitude no longer humble.

At the same time, a sharp and powerful wave of vital energy force suddenly spread out from his body.

"All disciples of our Magic Hand Sect, listen up! We must pledge our lives to defend our sect! Let's get ready for the fight for our lives!"

Lyman declared loudly.

His voice aroused great indignation throughout the entire square.

Everyone from the Magic Hand Sect, from the reclusive elders to the mundane disciples, moved at once. They flew into the air and placed themselves in different places and various heights as though they were forming a combat array. Once most of them had taken their places, the shape of the array became apparent -- it seemed to encircle the platform on the center of the square.

All in all, there were more than fifty or sixty thousand people in the headquarters of the Magic Hand Sect. Every single one of them fixed their angry eyes on Austin, showing their refusal to resign to their impending death. Even though their strength were nothing compared to Austin's, they all united under one purpose. This way, they were able to form a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Then, silence engulfed the whole square.

And all of a sudden, everyone on the square felt that the ground beneath them was starting to shake slightly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Even before anyone could realize what was happening, countless columns of spiritual power light radiated all around the square and rushed towards the sky, forming a huge circular spiritual power net above the square. Just after a few seconds, a huge array took shape in front of the astonished crowd.

Then, a huge herbal pot made of spiritual power appeared at the center of the array just above the square. This herbal pot was about a thousand meters in height and was sparkling brilliantly due to the spiritual power lights circling around it. Thus, everyone who could see it was greatly impressed by it.


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