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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1447

"Um..." muttered Belle in hesitation as if she was trying to choose her words wisely. Then she looked into Austin's eyes and continued, "I came to the Black-wind Beast World for a family task. Me, along with other Xiao disciples, were entrusted to investigate something in the Black-wind Beast World.

Alvin and I were sent here by our family to complete this task.

I never expected that Alvin bribed my maid and have her lie to me. She told me that she found some kind of magical fruit here.

This kind of fruit was important to me since it can greatly improve the martial art skill that I'm practicing.

I believed her and followed her to where she saw the fruit.

All of a sudden, Rogan and his underlings appeared out of nowhere and attacked me."

Belle's face was filled with rage as she was recalling all the things that happened during her encounter with Rogan to Austin.

Austin now understood why Belle was chased and hunted by those guys from the very beginning.

"Alvin was also from the Xiao Family. Why did he conspire with Rogan to kill you?"

Austin was trying to figure out what Alvin's actions meant and raised this question to Bella.

"Alvin and I are cousins. He is the son of my uncle, my father's younger brother.

And our grandpa is the head of the Xiao Family.

Grandpa is getting old and will retire soon. Once he does step down, my father and uncle are sure to battle tooth and nail it to become grandpa's heir.

Furthermore, it's tradition in the Solamnia Kingdom for the head of the Xiao Family to assume the position of the prime minister in the Solamnia Kingdom.

Due to this, my father and my uncle are not only competing for the opportunity of becoming the future head of the Xiao Family, but they're also vying for the position of the prime minister in the Solamnia Kingdom.

They are like fire and water under the same roof. No one would give up until their goal is fulfilled,"

Belle sighed and was clearly flustered.

She was tired and at her wits' end when it came to dealing with the internal strife within her family.

"I didn't know members in your family are pitted in a deep-seeded power struggle."

Austin nodded at Bella to show that he understood the complicated internal affairs within the Xiao Family.

Belle just told Austin why she came to the Black-wind Beast World. However, she didn't mention what specific task the Xiao Family had entrusted her to accomplish. Her blank expression showed no intention of telling him any details about it.

Austin was wise to not prod and get in the middle of Belle's mission and her family's predicament.

After all, it was the Xiao Family's secret. He shouldn't poke his nose into such matters if it doesn't concern him.

Austin and his two companions were about to leave the Black-wind Beast World.

Suddenly, a strange noise caught his attention.

The sky and the earth shook slightly and was followed by a mild muffled noise. Though the sound wasn't loud, Austin felt as if it someone has been beating a drum from a distance.

For an unknown reason, the slight noise sent shivers into Austin's and his two companions' spines and fear in their hearts. Even their souls trembled upon hearing the tiny sound.

They have never heard any sound like this before!

This unexpected sound caused all of them to stop dead in their tracks.

They all turned towards the direction of the muffled noise and listened carefully.

As expected, they heard the unsettling noise once again.

It still sounded distant. Like the first noise, it filled every corner of the space between heaven and earth. Though the muffled noise softly echoed, it caused everything in the space to mildly tremble again.

But Austin and his two companions had a completely different feeling—they all felt as if they were struck by lightning. Their bodies suddenly convulsed and a sharp, shooting pain coursed through their hearts.

As they were feeling such horrible pain, they also witnessed an unimaginable and terrifying sight.

Fierce roars began to echo out in every direction.

They were roars of different beasts, and they all sounded horrifying as if they were clawing their way out of hell.

All the roars came from the nearby woods. Waves of ceaseless howling that came from middle area of the forest shook the mountains around and made the trees shudder from such an unseen and immense force. In midst the sea of trees, numerous pairs of eyes glared and gave off a forceful glint. Those eyes belonged to various demonic and diabolic beasts, and their masters suddenly leaped out of the woods.

Demonic and diabolic beasts of different sizes began to run wildly in the space. Their sizes ranged from several meters long to several thousand meters long. Tens of thousands of these beasts filled the whole space like a raging river. They rampaged everywhere with unbridled rage and fury.

There were lions which had wings on its sides, snakes that sported a menacing horn in the middle of their heads, divine three-eye wolves that were as gigantic as an elephant, golden centipedes that were several hundred meters long, and many other unbelievable beasts.

The torrent of demonic and diabolic beasts was so immense that they blanketed all the visible forests. Tall trees drooped as they no longer bear the weight of the beasts perched on them. The earth violently shook with the beasts furiously stampeding everywhere.

Some of the demonic and diabolic beasts flew overhead. Their sheer mass blocked the sun and rendered the sky in total darkness.

All the beasts were erratically rampaging in different directions as if they were trying to escape something. Their piercing howls felt like they could shatter iron and stone. Other beasts swung their beaks and claws which could demolish anything it crashes into.

The demonic and diabolic beasts were wreaking havoc in the sky and on the ground. Their number had increased to over hundreds of thousands, and all of them looked like they were thrashing about and looking to escape.


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