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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1472

Austin wondered as he looked at Belle's strange face. He then turned and followed Belle's gaze.

It was the 60th battle ring.


A young man in black clothes, who seemed to be in his early twenties, was suddenly thrown up high. He spat blood from his mouth, and his body landed on the ground of the battle ring with a sickening thud.

The young man was Albin. He was one of the family members of the Xiao Clan. He was also a very competent warrior at the premium stage of Semi-holy Realm.

Austin was not that familiar with him, although they both started from the Prime Minister's Mansion and came to the battleground together.

Albin looked miserable. His whole elixir field shattered, and a terrifying bloody palm print was spotted on his belly. All of his vital energy was gone.

He became a disabled warrior, and he could no longer practice any martial arts.

"No!" You filthy bastard. How could you destroy my cultivation base? I have already admitted my defeat,"

Albin shouted at the top of his lungs. He was fuming with anger as he stared at his opponent with bitterness, hatred, and desperation.

His opponent was a young man. He wore a lined short jacket made of animal skin, and he looked like a wild and unruly animal, who seemed to be eager to fight and kill.

"You're right. I heard you speaking to me and begging for my mercy,"

the young man replied. He stooped down and slowly whispered inaudible words at Albin's ear, that only he could hear.

He then stood up and gave out a loud cruel laugh. He turned around and left the battle ring and didn't even bother to look back.


That little prick mercilessly shattered Albin's elixir field and destroyed his cultivation base even though he had stopped fighting and admitted defeat!"

Belle clenched her fist tightly. She was so enraged by the ruthless attack of Albin's opponent.

"Shit. Kane's two legs were hacked off!"

At the moment, another guy from the Xiao Clan who sat near Belle suddenly started to shout.

They instantly looked at the center of the 136th battle ring.

A sturdy young man, who looked around 23 or 24 years old, sprawled on a pool of blood. His anguished screams were terrifying as he writhed on the floor in great pain.

His feet and shanks had been cut off, and a great spurt of blood gushed out from the wounds.

He was another gifted young man from the Xiao Clan, and he was called Kane.

In the middle of the ring stood a teenager. He held a sharp scimitar in his right hand, and his face was expressionless and cold.

Droplets of blood dripped down the scimitar slowly.

"Look there, Patti was severely hurt and fainted,"

another long-faced teenager from Xiao Clan shouted at the top of his voice. His face was shocked and full of concern. He must have known Patti well.

A motionless body laid on the ground in the center of the 50th battle ring. She was covered in blood, and nobody was even sure if she was still alive.

She also came from the Xiao Clan, and her name was Patti.

"We're fucked. Quincy was killed brutally,"

the long-faced teenager shouted again in panic.

Quincy was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old young man. He fell on the ground when his head was crushed by his opponent after he performed a highly skilled set of iron palm techniques.

The dead teenager was also from the Xiao Clan.

"What's wrong?

What's happening here?" Belle asked frantically.

Her shoulders shook violently out of great anger after she saw her friends and family members severely wounded or even brutally killed. She felt like she was about to go crazy.

Austin also thought that there seemed to be something wrong with the tournament.

The Xiao Clan was being targeted.

A total of five gifted disciples from the Xiao Clan attended the first round of the tournament, including Belle.


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