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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 15

A manual on a fifth-grade martial art could mean a lot for an ordinary sect. With such a manual, the sect could properly level up their strength.

Most of the great sects credited their fame to their large collections of high-grade martial arts manuals.

The power of the disciples cultivated with low-grade manuals was a far cry from that of those who studied high-grade ones in large sects.

That was also the reason why the great sects survived thousands of years and were still thriving.

That means the books on fifth-grade martial arts were quite valuable.

Take for example the booklet of the Wind-commanding Skill that Austin was holding. If it was ever put in an auction, the bids would certainly go way more than 1, 500 vital energy crystals. It was certain that ordinary sects would be willing to shell out up to several million vital energy crystals just to have it.

After all, there would always be a way to earn more vital energy crystals, but the chances of getting manual on a fifth-grade martial art were rare.

The eerie sight of Rafat fluttering like a dead leaf from last night suddenly crossed Austin's mind again. And after going through a few pages of the books, he realized that weird moving technique Rafat used must be the Wind-commanding Skill.

As he recalled Rafat's swift and mystical movements, Austin became a little intrigued.

'This Wind-Commanding Skill is indeed a treasure!

All I've practiced were Sun Sect's second-grade moving techniques like the Fish Swimming Pace. Those are common techniques most outer disciples must know.

I have mastered the Fish Swimming Pace to perfection with a great deal of hard work.

But those first or second-grade methods were nothing in comparison to this five-grade technique.

I need to learn this Wind-Commanding Skill!'

Thrilled by his new discovery, Austin picked up another booklet.

The cover bore the title "Yin and Yang Diabolical Cultivation Method".

There was even a sketch on the cover.

It depicted a naked strong man sitting cross-legged surrounded by several plump women who were also unclothed as if they were having a certain weird dance.

There were a few lines representing the diabolic energy on the cover making picture quite vivid.

At first glance on the cover, it dawned on Austin that Yin and Yang Diabolical Cultivation Method might be the method that Rafat used to practice.

He reckoned that it must be an evil method.

No wonder Rafat had a hideous aura all over him that proved that he used to practice that diabolic cultivation method.

It was a fifth-grade martial art as well.

Austin gasped at this new realization. 'Why did Rafat have two fifth-grade martial arts manuals in his Space Ring?'

Little did Austin know that Rafat had barged into an ancient relic a few years ago by accident.

He was, after all, a disciple of an inconspicuous sect.

When he discovered the relic by sheer luck, he found two secret manuals and a good fortune.

One of the manuals was this Yin and Yang Diabolical Cultivation Method which was deemed as crooked martial arts technique.

Unlike many mainstream methods, this one could produce the desired result with a very short time. Once a practitioner began to learn it, he would progress way faster than when he studied those energy-oriented orthodox methods.

Being a wicked man, when Rafat set his eyes on it, he seized it as heaven-sent.

And with the fortune he found in the relic, he put off his other jobs and started practicing the method industriously.

After four years, he already reached the ninth level of the Energy Gathering Realm at an unbelievable speed.

Rafat was preparing for entering the Earth Realm. He was tempted for a quick breakthrough so he came up with a plot to target a female grunt disciple of Sun Sect.

So, in that fateful night, Rafat sneaked into Sun Sect and kidnapped Denali to use her as his cultivating furnace.

He couldn't target any inner or outer female disciples because that would draw the attention of the leaders of Sun Sect. Hence, he had to settle for a grunt disciple.

It was convenient for him to target the grunt disciples because no one would pay attention to them regardless of which sect they were in.

After all, the grunt disciples were a bunch of poor kids that everyone ignored.

No one from the sects would notice their disappearance or would even care if one of them got killed.

Austin, on the other hand, had no interest in this shady cultivation method.

Although he was impressed that it was at such a high grade, he eventually decided not to set foot into this dangerous water. He shoved it into the Space Ring without hesitation.

Now, he was left with only a dagger and two jade bottles in bright green.

The pitch-black dagger looked quite peculiar with its somehow dull blade.

When Austin lifted it from the table, he was surprised to see his wrist give out under its weight.

Despite its normal size, it was unusually heavy, and Austin needed to exert all effort just to hold the dagger with one hand.

Austin examined the dagger for a while.

Apart from its unexpectedly heavy weight, he could find nothing strange about it. Though he could feel something strange, he decided to study it later when he had time, so he reluctantly put it back in the Space Ring.

Then, he turned to the remaining two bottles on the table.

Austin rapidly unscrewed one of them and found that it was full of the Energy-boosting Elixirs.

There were a total of 10 Energy-boosting Elixirs in the said bottle. Austin almost jumped with joy. He finally found a fortune in Rafat's Space Ring!


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