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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1563

The depth of the valley occupied a vast area with a myriad of majestic mountains, gigantic trees and an array of rare, colorful flowers.

A group of fifty people marched towards the remote mountain.

Along the path were a display of strange looking plants, and they chanced upon several rare herbs.

They were the disciples of the Arcane Holy Land.

There was a speck of dust on a slope a few meters from them.

It was Austin's City model.

Austin came to this place secretly two hours ago. He transported himself in his City model and waited for his prey.

He continued to keep an eye on the approaching disciples of the Arcane Holy Land with the use his spiritual sense as he worked out a plan against them.

He noticed that the disciples of the Arcane Holy Land was divided into several groups, and they continued to search for herbs in the surrounding area.

Disciples of the three holy lands were gathered in the depth of the forbidden valley. People from the top or second-class sects had joined them.

The aggressive members of the three holy lands occupied important areas in the valley and refused other people to enter their places.

In the City model, Austin was focused on checking the cultivation bases of the disciples from the Arcane Holy Land using his spiritual sense.

"There are about sixty-four members of the Arcane Holy Land.

Sixteen are the Emperor Realm cultivators; three at the premium stage, five at the medium stage and eight at the preliminary stage.

I think we can handle them,"

Austin said to Stacy and Rahul.

Stacy and Rahul nodded their heads in agreement. They were prepared to launch an assault and were just waiting for Austin's go signal.

Soon, the sixty-four disciples of the Arcane Holy Land arrived at the hillside where Austin and his companions were hiding.

Austin transported himself out of the City model, and instantly he was at the slope. He stood there with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

As he activated the Diabolic Flashing Skill, he reached his targets in an instant.

"Who are you?"

one member of the Arcane Holy Land asked sternly, as he narrowed his eyes at Austin.

"I am here to rob you!" Austin replied in a loud voice.

He stomped his feet on the ground with all his physical power, sending himself to a disciple whose cultivation base was at the preliminary stage of Emperor Realm like a cannonball.

"Damn it! A brat from the Semi-holy Realm dared to challenge me? I will crush you!" The Emperor Realm cultivator of the preliminary stage shouted and cursed at Austin.

He stretched out his hand, and a tremendous vital energy appeared in his palm. It rotated and formed a giant palm. He blew at the giant palm and like an obedient soldier, it rushed towards Austin.


Austin used the Spiritual Pot to attack the Emperor Realm cultivator's Soul Sea.

In the next minute, he unleashed ninety-million-pound of physical strength.

He threw a punch at his enemy.

Before the Emperor Realm cultivator of the preliminary stage could raise his hands to defend himself, his body exploded and broke into pieces.

It gave of a myriad of dark colors in the air.

Austin could take out a cultivator who was at the preliminary stage of Emperor Realm at a snap of his finger. All he had to do was resort to his physical strength of ninety million pounds and release the Spiritual Pot at the same time. It was a powerful combination of strength and power.

Even before the rest of the Arcane Holy Land disciples could recover from their shock, Austin transported over four hundred people out of the City model and into the field. They landed in combat position and charged at their targets at full strength.

A fierce battle began.

It was a war zone. The two groups of people attacked each other with violent vital energy.

Over fifty Emperor Realm masters fought against fifteen cultivators of the Emperor Realm.

It was an easy feat for Austin to beat an Emperor Realm cultivator of the preliminary stage. His energy and power could match a cultivator who was at the medium stage of Emperor Realm.

Austin and his comrades needed to deal with over sixty enemies.


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