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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1565

"You're a bunch of cold-blooded monsters. You murdered over two hundred disciples of ours."

Lance stared at Austin and Stacy, quivering slightly. The disciples of the Arcane Holy Land had always felt very proud of themselves. Wherever they went, people had always treated them with utmost respect. But now, his companions were mercilessly slaughtered. He was not able to digest this fact.

"You'll pay for this. We'll not let you go..."

Lance uttered through his gritted teeth, his eyes blood-thirsty.

"Ha-ha. You are a dead man! Still, you dare to threaten us with your bullshit? Do you really think you from the three holy lands are superior to everyone else?

How ridiculous!

We'll send you to your Creator!" Austin said defiantly, gesturing at his comrades to stand by his side to fight.

He didn't want to waste any more time talking to him.

A fierce fight was about to begin.

"I'll kill all of you," Lance roared, letting anger get the better of him.

He took a step forward and purple vital energy burst out from his body. It formed a fog around him.

Nine purple dragons showed up in the purple mist.

Growling, they soared into the sky.

Meanwhile, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled.

Austin was shocked at the sight of this.

'Lance is a formidable opponent. I'm no match for him, ' he sighed.

Austin had the ability to put down any cultivator who had reached the preliminary stage of Emperor Realm effortlessly.

If his opponent was at the medium stage of Emperor Realm, he might be able to take him out using the Spiritual Pot.

If he confronted a cultivator who was at the premium stage of Emperor Realm, he would only be able to defend himself by using the Spiritual Pot to attack his Soul Sea.

Stacy let out a cold snort.

A Buddha statue appeared above her head, and chanted. It made the sound waves which came at Lance.

In the past, Stacy might be no match for Lance.

But she was much stronger than before after taking the vital energy shower on the Breakthrough Platform. She was one step away from entering the Bitter Sea Realm.

On top of that, the martial skill she was exhibiting was incredibly powerful. The power she exerted out could be on par with the Purple Energy Supernatural Skill Ladd was displaying.

Hence, she could handle Lance without any difficulty at all.

"Go to hell!"

Rahul waved his silver trident at one Arcane Holy Land disciple who was at the premium stage of Emperor Realm. The latter was forced to step back. With just a few seconds passing by, Rahul stabbed his opponent through his chest.

About fifteen minutes later, the fight almost came to an end.

All the disciples of the Arcane Holy Land in the valley had gotten killed. The only survivor was Lance.

Stacy was still in a tense battle with him.

"No, this isn't real.

My companions are still alive! I don't believe it!"

Lance shouted in frustration while he hit Stacy with a very strong purple vital energy.

Arcane Holy Land had sent about three hundred outer disciples to collect herbs in the Wild Herb Valley. Out of all these disciples, by now it was only Lance who had survived.

He couldn't live with such a cruel fact.

"Humph! All your partners died. Just face it!" Stacy responded nonchalantly.

Since she was in high morale, the Buddha statue above her head launched more powerful attacks against Lance. It chanted loudly. It was so powerful that it could shock one's soul.

Austin had a strong feeling that Stacy would be the winner.

Moments later, a dozen huge indigo palms hit Lance simultaneously.

He was blown away. He was thrown about several hundred meters away before he hit the ground very hard.

Lance's body got terribly wounded. The wounds were so terrible that even his ribs were visible. It left his body with a dozen holes, from which blood gushed out.

"This is impossible," Lance said, staring at Austin and Stacy with spite.

Those were the last words he spoke. His head rolled to one side and that was the last breath he took.

All the disciples of the Arcane Holy Land in the Wild Herb Valley were now dead.

Austin, Stacy, Rahul, and the other four hundred cultivators looked at the dead bodies with so much excitement.

'I don't need to feel inferior in front of the disciples of the three holy lands. As long as I am strong, I can take them out, ' they all thought to themselves.

"Let's get some rest.

Our next target is the disciples of the Vasteras Holy Land,"

Austin said to the other cultivators there.


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