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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1582

Over thirty dragons growled ferociously and pounced on the disciples of the Mysterious Sect.

Their shadows cast on the ground as they covered the sky and blocked the sunlight. It was such a terrifying sight.

Everyone was taken aback by the current situation.

"Oh my god! Austin was able to create more than thirty dragons from his vital energy. Is this a dream?"

Almost all of the disciples in the base knew the Mysterious Dragon Fist. They were also aware of its power.

So upon seeing Austin create over thirty vital energy dragons, they were shaken up. They found it difficult to believe what their eyes had just seen.

The disciples of the Mysterious Sect exerted their martial skills to withstand the attacks of the dragons. They couldn't just let those dragons take their lives easily.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A deafening sound resounded all over the place.

The dragons exploded simultaneously and it created an aggressive blast.

Since they didn't expect it to happen, the disciples of the Mysterious Sect were not able to defend themselves. As a result, seven of them were hit by the shock waves.

These disciples were at Semi-emperor Realm.

But just in a flash, they were torn apart and their body parts scattered everywhere.

The technique Austin used was Dragon Blast Fist, one of the eight moves in the Mysterious Dragon Fist.

In this move, the dragons created by the vital energy would dash towards the enemies and explode in front of them to hurt or kill them.

Unfortunately, the disciples of the Mysterious Sect didn't have enough time to run away and save their lives.

What had happened left everyone in utter shock.

'What the heck is going on? He killed seven Semi-emperor Realm cultivators with just one blow. Three of those cultivators were even at the premium stage. He is way too strong.'

Everyone present in the place including the disciples of the Flame Holy Land stared at Austin with mouth agape.

Fear was also evident in their eyes.

Who could ever believe that Austin possessed such kind of power?

A few moments later, the rest of the disciples of the Mysterious Sect recovered from their shock. Suddenly, they went ballistic.

"You fucking bastard! I'm going to kill you," bellowed one of them. He was at the medium stage of Emperor Realm.

He moved exceedingly fast so in an instant, he was already in front of Austin.

As he stretched out his hand, a palm made of vital energy appeared. It soared into the sky and stopped above Austin's head. Then it grew larger and larger until it covered the sky where Austin was standing.

Flashes of light came out of his palm like twinkling stars.

Out of the blue, the beams of light turned into huge meteors and approached Austin.

Apparently, this man at the medium stage of Emperor Realm had employed a profound palm skill.

"He mastered the Magic Star Palm Skill. This brat is surely be dead now."

"Humph! The Magic Star Palm Skill is one of the most powerful martial skills of our sect. This brat of should feel honored to die this way."

The other disciples of the Mysterious Sect burst out their thoughts as they stared at Austin with sparkling eyes. They were all eagerly waiting for his death.

However, Austin didn't even waver. "It's time to test the power of my new Spiritual Pot," said Austin in a flat tone.

He then closed his eyes and concentrated his mind.


The Spiritual Pot dashed out of his elixir field at a formidable speed and broke into his Soul Sea forcibly. In the wink of an eye, it showed up and came at the man's head.

The man stood no chance of fending off the Spiritual Pot. Obviously, his spiritual sense was too weak compared to the pot.

Bang! Bang! The Spiritual Pot hit his spiritual soul twice in a flash.

Although the man was at the medium stage of Emperor Realm, he was nothing compared to the strength of the pot.


The man let out a painful scream. Since his spiritual soul was seriously injured, he felt a splitting headache.

Suddenly, he was thrown away. Under everyone's gaze, he hit the ground hard a thousand meters away from where he had been standing.

He lay on the ground, trembling and breathing heavily. He was already coughing out blood.

The rest of the disciples of the Mysterious Sect were left dumbfounded and confused.

'What's going on with him?

This is weird. The Magic Star Palm Skill he employed was extremely powerful. Besides, he is at the medium stage of Emperor Realm while his opponent is just at the medium stage of Semi-emperor Realm. He was supposed to have no trouble defeating this brat.

How did he ended up this way? Is he still alive?


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