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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1590

The fierce battle began as tremendous forces clashed in the field. The two old women of the beast race ganged up against the old man in black of the Ji Clan.

A giant bird was flying in the dark sky. It towered over the area like a big hill. With its pair of hideous and powerful claws, it seemed like it could tear the whole world apart.

At the same time, countless demonic beasts and diabolic beasts emerged out of the huge, gleaming beast bone and rushed towards the old man in black.

Meanwhile, a giant black skeleton with wings exuded a strong smell of corpse and furious aura. The stench of death and the aura it emitted lingered in the air.

Due to the clashing forces of the powerful warriors, the area violently shook as if it would collapse in the next moments.

Austin was truly impressed as he witnessed the fierce battle between those old people.

Austin's current power and skills were too limited compared to these strong masters. Their strength and abilities were far too great.

"Marcus, go and kill that Peacock Princess!"

The old man in black shouted as he pointed Marcus to the direction of the fleeing princess.

In the next moment, a purple light flashed towards the Peacock Princess.

"Stop him!" cried one of the old women of the beast race, as she watched Marcus galloped towards the princess.

In an instant, a huge colorful bird popped in front of Marcus and blocked his way.

The bird stretched its huge claws with surging power, prepared to tear Marcus apart.

"Fine," the old man in black snorted coldly.

At that moment, the rancid black skeleton flew and rushed over to the giant bird. As soon as it neared the bird, it released a strong punch that hit the giant bird.

The old man in black was so strong that the two old women of the beast race could only deal with him by fighting with their forces combined.

Marcus was rushing towards the Peacock Princess at the moment.

Marcus' father had been the former head of the Ji Clan. During the battle with the Peacock King, his father had been seriously injured and couldn't walk since then.

So, Marcus naturally wanted to take revenge on the Peacock Princess for his father's misery even though it was her father who was at fault.

"Let's go! Hurry! Protect the princess!" the maids shouted in panic.

They circled the Peacock Princess and kept her in the middle of them. Together, they escaped as fast as they could.

Marcus, who was hungry for vengeance, chased after them intently. He didn't let them out of his sight. He would not let anybody get in his way.

"Stop those demon girls!"

Marcus shouted at the void. His voice rang with so much hatred.

All of a sudden, dozens of men came out from the mountain ahead and blocked the Peacock Princess and her maids.

These men turned out to be the people from Ji Clan. They had prepared an ambush in the mountain, including here, so that they could catch every single beast race that might try to escape.

"You want to escape? Don't even think about it!

Let's fight, Peacock Princess! The battle between our fathers had not been settled yet.

As their kids, we should just settle this once and for all. Let's decide who truly wins in this fight. What do you think?"

Marcus asked the Peacock Princess arrogantly once he got near her.

"Nonsense! At that time, my father defeated yours even though he allied with more than a dozen masters in that battle. There is no need for a rematch, the winner for that fight was already clear.

Do you think it would do you any good if you deceive yourself like this?

It seems that you and your father share the same confusion with black and white. You both can't just easily accept defeat," the Peacock Princess responded coldly.

Her charming but firm eyes fixed on Marcus without fear.

"Do you want to die, bitch? Stop insulting my father!" Marcus retorted.

He was so furious that his hair all stood on the ends like a hedgehog.

A black dense wave of vital energy surrounded him, surging and howling like a furious mass of force.

Unexpectedly, his realm of vital energy force was at the high level of the Bitter Sea Realm.

Austin was shocked that Marcus had already accomplished such a high cultivation base even though he was only twenty.

The great old clans of the East Mainland was indeed worthy of their names and reputation. Their children and disciples were all very powerful.

Marcus stepped forward and directed his strong black vital energy towards the Peacock Princess. Strong swirls of dark energy darted to the princess.


Suddenly, a black enchanted barrier appeared midair over the Peacock Princess. The barrier reeked of solitude and desolation that resembled a prison.

The black prison dropped from the sky directly towards where the Peacock Princess stood.


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