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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1595

"I need you all to go inside my space magic treasure. My friend will perform the Space Teleportation skill. Then, we can take you and teleport all of you through space.

As long as your beast race masters can pin down and distract the enemies for a while, we might be able to escape,"

Austin explained to the others.

A dozen of the beast race women were staring intently at him as they listened to every word he just said. They were all dumbfounded at Austin's announcement. They turned around and looked at the Peacock Princess expectantly.

The Peacock Princess pondered for a while as if weighing their chances. "Let's give it a try."

She firmly agreed with a nod after carefully thinking about it. She also saw how the gnome performed the Space Teleportation skill.

"Thank you."

Peacock Princess looked at Austin with eyes filled with gratitude.

Austin gave a small nod to the princess before he asked the beast race women not to resist the transmission power of the City model. Then, he immediately started to perform the skills to transfer all of them, including Peacock Princess, into the City model.

Then, the gnome immediately took Austin and jumped into the crack of space.

The next moment, a black light rushed onto where Austin and the women stood just a moment ago.

The black light turned out to be the old man in black.

"Space Teleportation. It's Space Teleportation!" shouted the old man angrily.

His spiritual sense did not miss the scene that just happened. The old man snorted with contempt as his face turned gloomy.

Although his strength was unfathomable, he was totally ignorant of space power. He did not know anything about it.

"Wait and see. I will soon find out how far your Space Teleportation can carry you and cut all of your throats!"

The man muttered curses as he stomped his feet in fury. In his head, the surging spiritual sense rushed out and went far away into all directions.

As soon as he discovered Austin and the gnome, there was no doubt that he would immediately teleport there and kill them all brutally.

With his terrific strength, a distance of ten thousand meters would only be like a snap of fingers to him. He could travel there in just a blink.

However, even after a long while of searching for them with his spiritual sense, there was still no trace of Austin and the gnome.

"What is going on here? Is it that the Space Teleportation power of the beast is so powerful that it can reach a distance of more than ten thousand meters? How far did they go?"

the old man in black muttered anxiously. After he had thought carefully about it, he expanded the scope of his spiritual sense and searched for them once again.

He still had no clues of where they were.

On the other hand, Austin and the gnome were marching in the void.

There was nothing but chaos and oblivion around. Time and space changed continuously. The void could make a person feel misplaced and distorted as if falling in a bottomless abyss.

Only the warriors who cultivated the power of space could enter here and resist the influence of the chaos. Anyone who did not know anything about the void would be lost in here and trapped with endless nothingness and boundless chaos.

If they would rely on the space power of the gnome alone, it was possible for them to stay in this chaotic void for at least an hour.

However, in the outside world, things had taken a sudden unfavorable turn.

Two lightning-fast figures chased the old man in black. They were the two old ladies from the beast race whom he had previously fought with.

The old man in black couldn't help but frown. Although his strength was more powerful than the two beast race old ladies, if the two beast race old ladies joined forces and attacked him simultaneously, it would not be easy for him to kill them both.

"We have to pin him down and fight for as long as we can to let the princess escape!"

One of the beast race old woman shouted and rushed over to the old man in black. The other one supported her and backed her up with coordinated action.

The old man in black had no other choice but to fight. Suddenly, the three of them fiercely engaged in an intense fight.

In the void, Austin and the gnome continued to march forward.

"Such dense space power fluctuations... Hey, look around. This chaotic void where time and space are constantly twisted, is exactly where the space power concentrates," said Austin to the gnome.

Austin released his spiritual sense and scanned around. After a while, he then let out a deep sigh.

Suddenly, Austin began to activate the spatial force inside his body. He tried to feel the chaotic void around him. Doing so, he then realized the true meaning of the unique space power in this void. He remained silent. Instead of regretting it, he took the adversity with a smile.

Though the void made him feel uneasy, this kind of experience was of great benefit to his cultivation of space power. He certainly did not want to miss it.

"Oh, kid, you are absolutely right. This chaotic void is indeed a place where space power is relatively strong.

However, for those warriors who do not understand the power of space, even if their cultivation base is stronger, they stand no chance if they dared to enter the void to practice. Without space power to defend against this force, they are just trying to get themselves killed. Do you understand now why space power is that difficult to learn?" replied the gnome as he beamed with pride.


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