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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1599

Five thousand kilometers away from the Genuine Water City, a figure was moving forward swiftly. Soon, the distance between him and the Genuine Water City became wide as the ocean.

It was Marcus.

Unknowingly, a whirlwind appeared behind him. It seemed to have a life of its own and was headed towards his direction.

It continued to spin around until a figure stepped out. It was Austin.

The next moment, Marcus, who was rushing ahead, sensed the strong wind behind him. He stopped in his tracks and turned his body around to have a better look. That was when he saw a familiar figure.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes in frustration as he recognized the man not standing right in front of him. His anger swelled as Austin drew near him.

"It's you! You're such a lowlife, scum-sucking maggot!"

Marcus glared at Austin with an evil look on his face. His eyes locked on Austin. All he wanted was to tear him into pieces at that very moment.

"Son of a bitch! You are shameless!

I saw you in the Dawning Mountains! The Peacock Princess defeated you. I witnessed how she was able to beat the hell out of you and knocked you out of your senses. Have you stopped vomiting blood? Looks like you have recovered from your internal injuries. Now you have the guts to parade yourself, telling everyone in public that you have defeated the Peacock Princess?

Don't you have any dignity left? How very pathetic of you to show off like that.

You're a coward and you have the guts to lie!"

Austin mocked him nonstop.

"You are courting death! Bastard, I'll kill you right now and tear your filthy mouth!" shouted Marcus.

He then, stretched his back and raised his hands in the air as he released the dark vital energy storm. It formed a dark circle in the air, and the entire place became pitch black. The sun seemed to have hidden itself in dark clouds and all around them was darkness.

It felt like night came early. A looming shadow covered the sky and a heavy mist fell upon them.

It covered the entire surrounding in darkness and death seemed to close in on them.

Austin felt the strange movement around him. He could feel the ground shifting as he tried to balance himself. He looked around him and saw how the ground shook and the sky moved as Marcus continued to move his hands in the air.

Then an overwhelming fear enveloped him. A cold sensation covered his body and was sucking the life out of him. He felt lightheaded and tried to escape, but he could not move a single muscle in his body. He could see a wisp of air moving out of his body as he gasped for air.

Marcus seemed to have placed an immense weight on his shoulder, and Austin had to bend or else break his back from the pressure.


Austin heard a piercing sound, and it forced him to look up. There he saw a giant dark figure appeared at the top of Marcus's head.


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