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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1607

To better scan the area around, Austin released his spiritual sense.

In a few moments, he found a huge mountain nearby where it was very quiet. There were many tall trees that almost reached the sky. The foliage was so dense that it covered the sky and gave a cool shade.

Finding just the kind of place he wanted, Austin started his bodily movement skill and moved in the direction of the huge mountain.

He found a very quiet valley around the mountain. But the serenity didn't last long.


The next moment, a huge demonic power, like a violent sea filled the whole valley. Violet's figure appeared in the valley at the same time.

The shocking demonic aura seemed to flow around Violet's body like tributaries of a great river. The demonic aura rushed in the space and made the whole valley quiver.

Austin sat on his feet in the valley and guarded Violet.

Inside the valley, the demonic aura was growing high to towering heights. It seemed to never stop. It roared and the whole valley seemed be overwhelmed with the powerful demonic aura. The power it contained was beyond one's imagination.

This was a remote place where not many cultivators would come. Some diabolic beasts and demon beasts that lived around were very weak. They had been frightened by the scene that Violet created when she was having a breakthrough. All of them had run away already.

Half a day passed off in this manner.

An extremely powerful demonic aura burst inside the valley.

At the entrance of the valley, Austin kept sitting quietly. On hearing the bursting sound, he opened his eyes.

It was a bit hazy and he saw an extremely beautiful figure walking towards him from the valley. As he looked closely he realized that it was Violet.

"Violet, you finally managed to have a breakthrough successfully!"

Austin looked at her with a joyful expression on his face.

At that moment, the demonic power which Violet was giving off, was really far stronger than before.

"Violet, how powerful you are now?"

Austin asked, anxious to know the progress Violet had made.

"Master, I'm ranked at the level of a demon emperor now. It's near to the power of the medium stage of Emperor Realm in your human cultivation system.

This time I actually awakened seventy percent of my blood power!"

Violet was very excited at her breakthrough.

"The medium stage of Emperor Realm!"

Austin was too shocked to say anything else for a few moments.

"I have realized that you and the gnome stayed at one level for a long time, but now both of you have had breakthroughs! I didn't know you will improve your cultivation base a great deal, rather by leaps and bounds!

It's amazing!"

Austin said. To some extent he even felt a bit jealous of them.

As a matter of fact, both of them—the gnome and Violet—now had become stronger than Austin after their breakthrough.

"Ha ha! Master, the gnome and I are both ancient beings, and that's the feature of our cultivation systems.

It's probably because we don't have breakthrough for a long time and accumulate ourselves long enough. But once we have a breakthrough, we grow by leaps and bounds!"

Violet explained.

"So, have you made any improvement about your illusion due to the breakthrough this time?"

Austin was wondering.

"Of course! My illusion skill has improved greatly.

And that's not all! I also awakened one of inherited skills of our nine-tailed demon fox race. It is a kind of Eye Illusion.

Master, do you want to try it?"

Violet asked with a laugh.

Suddenly Violet fixed her eyes on Austin and stared at him intensely.

Her charming watery eyes started to glow with a light hue of pink slowly.

Her right eye seemed like a bottomless abyss with storm of soul inside, as if it could swallow everything.

After Austin's eyes met that of Violet's, he found everything around him turned black all of a sudden.

Then there were many illusions and scenes that started to pass through his eyes.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of gongs and drums. Everything became chaotic now.


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