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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1619

'I must take care of him immediately, ' Austin thought.

Using his spiritual sense, he noticed that the participants from the other three sects were gaining ground and were about to get rid of the people from the Incept Sect.

Without any hesitation, he made a move against Carl.

A bronze furnace about the size of his fist got out from his body.

It grew bigger and bigger until it was a hundred meters tall.

The terrifying power kept advancing towards Carl.

The next moment, there was a deafening sound.

The bronze furnace had started to tremble, making that loud sound.

As it shook fiercely, its lid started to move.

Four kinds of fire of different colors gushed out of the furnace, causing the lid to fall.

They turned into vast seas of fire in an instant and came at Carl from different directions. There was no chance for him to escape.

Sensing the power in the seas of fire, Carl was so scared that he couldn't think clearly. He was taken aback by the attacking force.

"Oh, no!" he let out a cry of fear.

The seas of fire advancing towards him from all directions engulfed him. Within a second, he turned to dust.

Quite unbelievably, the flag had survived the fire.

It was obvious now that it was made of some special material which was hard to be destroyed.

Austin put away the bronze furnace. With a wave of his sleeve, the flag came darting towards him.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

A few powerful cultivators in the deep mountains were heading in Austin's direction.

Austin activated his spatial power, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the void.

On the other hand, a disciple of the Incept Sect spoke out loud.

"Hey! Guys, why don't we come to a truce?

I guess Carl is getting to the grassland.

There is no point fighting like this.

The game is set,"

he said triumphantly.

"Exactly! We are going to be victorious. Just live with it!"

"Ha-ha. Do you still think you can win?

Give up that stupid thought. Keep your eyes open and look at the situation before you!"

The other participants from the Incept Sect cheered up and began taunting. Some of them even stopped fighting against the members of the other three sects.

"Hmm! Let's go and stop that guy."

One of the principal disciples from the Almighty Sect moved towards the entrance of the mountains.

"Let's go!"

The cultivators from the Mysterious Sect and the Shiny Sect joined the people from the Almighty Sect.

The disciples of the Incept Sect didn't stop them. They were convinced that victory was going to be theirs. They thought there was no need to die holding off the people from the other three sects anymore.

"Ha-ha. Let's get out of here," one of the principal disciples from the Incept Sect instructed.

He headed towards the grassland, with his companions.

Soon after that, the disciples from the four sects got out of the mountains.

They dashed towards the grassland.

"Bloody hell! I can't see the guy from the Incept Sect anywhere.

Did he really get to the grassland with the flag?"

One of the principal disciples from the Mysterious Sect was getting desperate as he did not find any sign of Carl.

"Looks like the Incept Sect will be the winner this time,"

someone sighed despondently.


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