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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1632

"Are you serious, old man? Will this dark, old passage lead us to Purple Immortal's tomb?

But those strong cultivators from different sects and clans are trying to destroy those things to get into the tomb. Are you suggesting that they've found the wrong place?

You have to be kidding, right?" Austin said, gaping at the old man.

None of this made sense anymore. The old man looked at Austin like he was a small child that didn't know anything about the world.

"The tomb those masters are attempting to break into is also Purple Immortal's.

Purple Immortal's tomb has two entrances, you know. Or maybe you don't since you are too young and naive.

The front entrance is full of danger while the back entrance is relatively safe.

Those strong cultivators are foolishly trying to get into the tomb through the front entrance.

That entrance is heavily guarded with traps and dangerous creatures. Even with hundreds of cultivators fighting, they may all die. It is believed that only the most extraordinary cultivators can make it.

The second way to get to Purple Immortal's tomb is the passage where we are currently standing.

Ancient people's tombs always come with two entrances.

One is easy to find while the other is hidden carefully,"

the old man explained.

Even though it sounded simple, Austin didn't completely understand what he was saying. There was too much excitement rushing through his head. 'Looks like I was right. This old man is not just a stall owner.

He even knew how to find this secret passage, ' Austin thought.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go look for treasures," Austin said, trying to walk past the old man.

However, the old man held out his arm and stopped Austin.

"Although this passage is relatively safe, it doesn't mean we will not be attacked. When we get into the tomb, stay close to me and don't run around," the old man ordered. Austin sighed and stepped back.

Bringing out his old dagger, the old man threw it with precision at the stone door. It fell like shards of glass onto the cave floor.

'If I can't get ahead of the old man, he will get all the treasures, '

Austin thought snidely to himself.

The old man didn't notice the childish expression of annoyance on Austin's face and stepped through the stone doorway.

Austin scampered in after him. The air around them was just as dark as it had been inside the passage.

A chilly wind blew and settled and blew again. Austin had a hard time breathing because the air was thick with dampness.

After they walked for a while, the passage opened up and the air became less stuffy. Austin's eyes widened in awe and he stopped in his tracks. His feet shuffled loudly against the stone floor.

'This looks like an underground world! All around me, there are several palaces, spacious halls, and limestone caves. And each conveniently has a tunnel leading to the next.

These palaces could lead anywhere. This place is more like a grand castle than a tomb. I can't wait to explore, ' Austin thought as he surveyed his surroundings.

He followed closely behind the old man. Every so often, they would have to stop and the old man would furrow his brow and think of where to go next. They must have walked a dozen miles before anything eventful happened.

As if Austin had thought it too soon and jinxed them, the sound of tumbling rocks crashed down on them. The sound of ominous laughter appeared shortly afterwards.

It sounded like the laugh had belonged to some evil, scary creature.

Austin and the old man peered into the tunnel intersection but they couldn't see anything in the endless darkness.

"Watch out!"

The old man held Austin back once more and began looking frantically all around them. He pulled out his old dagger once more, and an alert look was visible in his eyes.

Before Austin could ask the old man if it was safe, a strong wind began to blow from nowhere.

The old man tensed and Austin stepped up beside him, ready to fight the oncoming enemy.

Austin's hands began trembling and he tried to make fists but even those shook.

A harsh cry cut through the air, making the hair on both their bodies stand on end.


From the intersection, a shadow pounced towards them. As it drew closer, they could see it better and start to make out what it was.

"It's the dead monkey!

This legendary, dead creature really exists! I can't believe it," the old man exclaimed in a shaky voice. Austin noticed that his hand that was holding the old dagger was now trembling too.

As the old man looked at the dead monkey, all the color drained from his face.

As the monkey stood, it hovered three meters over them, and instead of hair, it was covered in black scales. The wind blowing from behind it carried the smell of death.


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