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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1636

At the top of the high platform laid an antique coffin. Austin and the old man fixed their eyes on it.

"Come on! Let's go up and check the coffin."

Without hesitation, the old man flew towards the high platform.

However, he was immediately pulled back down to the ground by some invisible power.

"Damn! An superb blocking array was applied here to prevent anyone from flying," commented the old vendor.

Then he thought of other ways to get to the coffin.

"All right. Let's just climb up there," he said.

Then they climbed the high jade steps one by one.

After a while, they were able to reach the top of the platform.

They saw the antique coffin lying at the center.

It was beautifully placed there that anyone who could see it would be amazed.

The antique coffin had been there for a long time. Nobody knew how many years exactly it had been staying there.

But if it really belonged to the Purple Immortal who had been famous since hundreds of thousands of years ago, it only meant that the coffin had also been there for that long.

Thinking that the coffin was hundreds of thousands years old, anyone would probably be astonished because it didn't really look old. It was still beautiful and exquisite.

"The real treasure must be hidden in the coffin!" exclaimed the old vendor.

Then he warily walked towards the coffin.

Austin shuddered when he thought what kind of subtlety could have been hidden in the coffin of the great master of Immortal Realm.

The great master of Immortal Realm was the most powerful man in the continent. He was known to be a terrible person to everyone.

Until now, no one would still dare to underestimate his power even if he had been dead for hundreds of thousands of years.

While Austin and the old vendor were staring at the coffin, a voice was suddenly heard from a distance.

"Humph! I've never thought that two small potatoes would be here so early!"

Austin and the old vendor both turned around to see whose voice it was. Then they saw a young Taoist appeared at the jade steps. He might have also climbed the steps without them noticing it.

The young Taoist was now standing in front of them, with both hands behind him. He was surrounded by sword shadows and sword lights which created an unidentifiable illusion. It was like he was in a far-off country of swords.

"Boy, remember not to argue with him. He is a weird old freak so better not make him angry. Otherwise, he will hurt you."

The old vendor secretly released his spiritual sense to communicate with Austin. He needed to warn Austin of the possible danger they might encounter.

"You two, get out of here now! This is not the right place for you to stay," said the young Taoist indifferently. He looked at them scornfully.

All of a sudden, another voice was heard.

"Well, this must be the coffin of the Purple Immortal."

A middle-aged man who was bathed in dazzling lights also appeared in the high platform. His face was almost invisible because it was covered by the golden light.

"That must be the coffin of the Purple Immortal. Let's go and take a look at it!"

More people gathered below the high platform. They also climbed the jade steps one by one.

A few moments later, the high platform was now surrounded by several hundreds of people. Most of them were real elites from the East Mainland.

Apparently, those who were able to across the Death River were elites. That was why most of the people who climbed the high platform were also elites.

But there were also some relatively weak disciples who followed the elders of their sects.

'Oh, this is bad, ' thought Austin as he shook his head. 'Too many elites are here now. This is definitely a threat for us.'

The leader of Shen Family and Ji Family who were among the three aristocratic families were there. A reclusive elder of the Vasteras Holy Land and some first-class leaders in the East Mainland were also present. All of these people were powerful individuals in the East Mainland.

Seeing these people around, Austin realized that it would be impossible for him to get the treasure in the coffin. These elites would definitely not allow him to do so.

'These elites in front of me can easily use their spiritual sense to kill me even without lifting a finger. How will I be able to take the treasure without a scratch?' said Austin to himself inwardly.

Based on his observation, everyone on the high platform was dying to get near the coffin.

In fact, everyone's attention was now at the coffin in the middle of the platform. All eyes were glued at it.

Those eyes were glistening with excitement and desire.

According to some rumors, the heritage of Purple Immortal and the secret to longevity were hidden in the coffin.

No wonder everyone was highly interested in it.

All of a sudden, the young Taoist was already standing beside the coffin. He was too quick that no one even noticed how he'd went there.

He raised his hand and was about to push the coffin open.

However, before he could even touch the coffin, everyone there including him, felt the presence of three flows of power.

Although it seemed to be coming from a distance, it felt so strong.

To everyone's surprise, three weird figures appeared around the coffin in no time.

They were three elders clad in antique clothing. Obviously, they came from the ancient time because they were emitting a prehistoric aura.

Each of them was wearing a dull face and empty eyes. It was like they were looking at an empty space and they couldn't see the people in the platform.

Needless to say, everyone was shocked at the sudden and unexpected appearance of these three elders. All the people in the platform couldn't help but stare at them in agape.


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