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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1650

After Austin crushed Marcus with a single blow, there was a dead silence. The young cultivators couldn't believe what they saw.

An outstanding member of the Ji Clan lost his life before their very eyes.

What made it more shocking was he died in the hands of a cultivator who had just reached the preliminary stage of Emperor Realm.

It was all unbelievable.

A few moments later, the young cultivators were back to their senses. All of a sudden, the whole Purple Moon Mansion filled with murmurings and exclamations.

"This is not good. Marcus was killed just like that?" exclaimed a young cultivator alertly.

The young cultivators couldn't get over from what happened.

They were still in shock on Marcus' death.

This was an important event in the history. An elite from a prominent clan was beaten to death by someone who had a low cultivation base.

Furthermore, the Purple Moon Mansion was owned by the Ji Clan. How would the authorities of the clan deal with this incident?

Since someone died during the fight, it was no longer a duel but a willful murder.

"God damn you!" cursed Paul.

He was boiling with anger.

All young cultivators of the Ji Clan dashed forward and surrounded Austin. They glowered at him as their eyes fumed in rage.

"Kill him!" All of them shouted in unison.

The members of the Ji Clan were known to be arrogant. They considered themselves superior to others so no one would be allowed to bully any of them.

What happened a while ago was worse than bullying. One of their elite members was killed. None of them was willing to let go of the culprit.


Dozens of young men from the Ji Clan charged at Austin.

Purple Moon Mansion was owned by the Ji Clan. They were also the ones who organized this feast. Needless to say, the most number of people present here was their members.

Austin didn't show any signs of panic. He just took a step backward and then disappeared.

He had already anticipated this situation even before he decided to kill Marcus so he was prepared.

'Humph! I'll teach all the members of the Ji Clan a lesson, ' thought Austin.

He was now invisible so he could watch all the people's move freely. He stared at the cultivators who were coming after him. He intended to kill them all.

Austin knew that the Ji Clan hated him for saving Peacock Princess. They had even sent people to pursue him in Dawning Kingdom.

As a matter of fact, one of the reasons why the Ji Clan organized this feast was to gather more excellent cultivators to help them chase after Austin.

And now that Austin put down Marcus, it was even more impossible for the people of Ji Clan to let him go.

Austin took Marcus' life, so they would also take Austin's life in return.

However, Austin wouldn't bow to them too. He would fight as long as he could.

"What's going on? Where did that brat go?" exclaimed one of the young cultivators.

He was surprised of Austin's sudden disappearance.

Other people present were also baffled. Austin just vanished into thin air in an instant and they couldn't even locate him using their spiritual senses.

'The bodily movement skill that brat displayed was so amazing, ' they all remarked inside.

"Keep your eyes open, guys. That brat has learnt a mysterious and powerful bodily movement skill. He might surprise us any time," warned one young man to his companions.

He was at the medium stage of Bitter Sea Realm.


Austin with his white sword suddenly appeared behind that young man the moment he finished talking.

Without wasting time, Austin thrust his sword at him and stabbed him right through his heart.

The young man from the Ji Clan died on the spot.

Austin had gotten the skill he used from the Infernal Scripture. This scripture had a record of all kinds of secret skills for assassins. These skills had something in common: the user could use it to strike down his enemies in a quick, cruel and accurate manner.

This ancient scripture focused on killing so it was the best book for killers.

If Austin hadn't mastered the skills in the Infernal Scripture, it would have taken him much time and energy to handle the young cultivator who was at the medium stage of Bitter Sea Realm.

Fortunately, he had learnt some secret skills in the Infernal Scripture. Because of it, he was able to end the young man's life with a single blow.

That was why many people yearned for the Infernal Scripture.

"Let's kill that bastard," shouted the remaining young cultivators of the Ji Clan.

They were simmering with anger because they had lost another companion.

They furiously launched attacks on Austin altogether. Some of them formed black palms made from vital energy and controlled them to hit their common enemy in different directions.

Some of them utilized their magic treasures that contained great power to deal with Austin.

Austin drew out his sword and took several strides to dodge their attacks. Each time he took a step, a light dot would appear beneath his feet.

As he waved his sword, two cultivators were beheaded. They were at the Emperor Realm of the Ji Clan.

"Let's all attack him together and end his life!"


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