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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1657

"Enough games, Austin! You've reached the end of the road.

Now, I'll kill you slowly to make sure you suffer,"

the elder in black from the Ji Clan spat, glaring at Austin.

The elder waved his hand and it felt like an invisible rope was constricting around Austin. He dug his heels into the ground as the elder began reeling Austin towards him, but it was no use. Within seconds, he would be in the elder's grasp.

When he was inches from the elder, Austin panicked and directed the Spiritual Pot towards the elder's head in an attempt to attack his spiritual soul. The elder's eyes widened.


How have you mastered such a mysterious spiritual sense attack? I've never seen anything like this!

It looks like you hold many secrets. I will have to find out what they are later," the elder in black said, studying Austin.

An evil smile played on the elder's lips. With ease, he sent a powerful spiritual sense from his head and the Spiritual Pot flew back towards Austin.

The pot approached Austin's soul and a sharp pain radiated through his head. He groaned and nearly fell to his knees.

He closed his eyes and focused on the spiritual tree. Moments later, the pot was kicked out from his Soul Sea and he was left unscathed.

Austin wasn't shocked to see the horror on the elder's face. That spiritual sense attack had been at least ten times more powerful than his own spiritual sense and he was able to defeat it. The spiritual tree took all the credit for that.

The elder gnashed his teeth and began pulling Austin towards him at a faster pace. Austin's mind was racing to find an escape but he couldn't see a way. Suddenly, there was a popping sound and a thin, old man appeared beside him.

"Sorry but you're not going to have a chance to discover this brat's secrets," the old man said, grinning at the elder in black.

He stepped into the space between Austin and the elder in black.

Gradually, the space around Austin went back to normal.

His feet fell flat on the ground again and he stopped being pulled towards the elder.

"It's you, old man!" Austin beamed.

He had never been so glad to see Earth Hermit before. Now that he was here, and the elder could not touch Austin.

"Yeah. Let's go," Earth Hermit replied with a smile.

The situation had turned to one of mortal peril to hope. The world felt wide again, like Austin was invincible.

'This is perfect. I'm safe now. Even just a couple seconds later and I would have been dead, ' Austin thought, clapping his hands together once in celebration.

"Who are you?

You want to save this brat? Good luck with that. You'll have to defeat me first," the elder in black taunted.

He raised an eyebrow at Earth Hermit and stepped backwards, preparing himself for battle.

"That's giving yourself a lot credit," Earth Hermit snapped, casting him a defiant stare.

With a wave of his hand, Earth Hermit yelled and released a huge amount of vital energy. It reared like a cobra in front of him and flung itself at the elder in black.

Much to Austin's shock, the elder in black was thrown into the air and hit the ground.

He lay there, unconscious.

"Oh man, he made that look effortless!" Austin murmured, smiling as he looked at the motionless elder in black.

'That's amazing. The elder from the Ji Clan is really powerful and he could have easily blocked the space and protected himself.

The old man is unbeatable. He made the elder look like an unarmed child. I wonder how many other people he has humiliated, ' Austin mused.

"Let's get out of here. It's too dangerous," Earth Hermit said to Austin.

He approached Austin and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him along. Austin stood his ground.

"Old man, I can't leave my companions behind. You are so strong. Please help them,"

Austin begged, pointing in the direction he had last seen them.


Do I look like a hero, brat?

Now, just look over there. Do you see the cultivators? They are super powerful and I don't want to see them come to action.

If they see us, they will fight and I will not be able to win this time,"

Earth Hermit explained, looking fearfully at the cultivators standing guard.

Austin watched the handful of elders and understood what Earth Hermit meant. 'He may be powerful but everyone had their limits, ' Austin thought.

"Quickly! We have to leave. They just saw us,"

Earth Hermit exclaimed out of nowhere.

They looked intimidating in their old robes. Earth Hermit and Austin had no way out without a fight.

"It's you, Earth Hermit. You want to take Austin with you? No way," one of the elders said with a snort.

Before they could try and escape around them, the elders rushed towards them.

"Old man, you're scary good. I know you can defeat these elders and save my companions. I just know it,"

Austin insisted.


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