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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1708

"Let's continue digging up more. We might find a couple of ruling crystals where ancient creatures were restrained. Let's take a look. This might be an opportunity for us," said the white-haired elder.

He was Elder Kit from the Arcane Holy Land.

"Based on my observation, there are a lot of spots here where faint flashes of light are coming through the ground. Apparently, there is a rich deposit of crystals buried underground," said an old man in a white-robe.

He was from the Vasteras Holy Land.

"Since there are confined ancient creatures in this mine, it is very likely that there are also confined ancient creatures in other areas. If we can dig them up and do some research on them, we might be able to solve the mystery. We will be able to find out what exactly it is that has been constantly killing our miners in the Northern Mine District," he added.

This old man was a mine seeker who specialized in locating crystal deposits.

That was why he was confident of his assessment.

"All right. Let's do it. I've been wanting to do this for quite a long time," yelled Elder Jordan.

He was from the Rudimentary Holy Land.

"For those who don't want to die early, you can leave this place as fast as you can now. After all, a collateral damage will be inevitable in this mission."

All disciples from the three holy lands instantly drew back and moved far away from the mine. The miners also started running away frantically.

Since everybody knew that those creatures inside the crystals were ominous, evil and exceptionally uncanny, a lot of horrifying things might happen once they were excavated.

Even the elders and the stewards of the three holy lands were on their guards for possible danger. They were all wearing stern faces.

"Let's do this!" yelled Elder Jordan again.

He then ascended from the ground and stood in midair above the mine. He straightened the forefinger and the middle finger of his right hand into a shape of a sword and slashed the surface below.

A beam of light came out of his fingertips and turned into a giant sword. It swung downwards violently.

With a thunderous bang, a cloud of dust rose up and an eerily pitch-dark fissure appeared on the ground. It looked really spooky.

Elder Jordan continued to wave his fingers and the giant sword of light which was almost a hundred meters in length hit the ground repeatedly. The fissure widened until the bottom of it was revealed.

By flapping his sleeves, Elder Jordan also continuously removed dirt and rocks kilometers away from the fissure.

After a short while, an enormous crater which was several hundred meters deep was created in the location of the mine. The mine was now nowhere in sight.

The bottom of the crater showed the depths of the tunnel of the mine.

They all saw half a dozen special ruling crystals that contained ancient creatures lying at the bottom.

Austin had already taken away those ruling crystals that contained nothing.

"Let's do this together! Each of us can take a ruling crystal," said Elder Jordan seriously. He was staring at the bottom of the crater where the crystals that had ancient creatures inside were laid.

He had a serious look on his face. It was as if a formidable enemy had confronted him.

He had been in charge of the Northern Mine District for many years so he naturally knew how dangerous these ominous crystals were.

So he informed the other elders and they made their moves all at once. Each of them formed their vital energy into a gigantic palm oozing with a horrifyingly powerful vital energy force and summoned it to reach the bottom of the crater.

A few moments later, all the ruling crystals were extracted and piled on the ground not far away.

They had gotten seven ruling crystals in total. Six of them contained the different body parts of the flying demonic monkey inside. The seventh crystal had a pitch-black giant foot which was around seven meters in length.

"This is indeed a flying demonic monkey. It is a fabled ferocious ancient beast."

All the elders looked grim. Their worried eyes were fixed on the hideous head of the flying demonic monkey.

Austin who was standing at the distance also fixed his gaze at the head of the flying demonic monkey. He had a faint premonition that something bad was about to happen.

For some reasons, he had an inexplicable feeling that something was secretly watching him.

As Austin recalled the expression in the eyes of the flying demonic monkey when they opened back in the tunnel earlier, he couldn't help feeling a twinge of fear.

Fortunately, the eyes of the flying demonic monkey were currently closed so the elders were not able to see them.

Whir! Whir!

All of a sudden, the ruling crystals piled up on the ground. Then they started to quiver as they emanated a faint buzzing sound with a special rhythm.

Upon hearing the sound, everyone's heart was clutched with a sudden sense of grave danger.


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