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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1714

Whiz! Whiz! Whiz!

A few hundred figures could be seen flying in the sky coming from a far distance.

A buzzing sound was heard and it turned louder as they got closer.

A bright beam of light appeared in the air and shot in the direction of the flying demonic monkey from afar.

The flying demonic monkey seemed to be frightened.

It didn't dare to take up the challenge at all. The pair of black wings at its back fluttered violently. It changed into a gust of black wind and darted in the opposite direction. The next moment, its body disappeared.

It was a weird thing to see.

There were five or six hundred figures that appeared in the sky above the mining area of the Rudimentary Holy Land.

At the center of them was a figure radiating with a bright and powerful shining light. It was all over his body including his face. Thus, his real face could not be seen at all.

He was none other than the holy lord of the Rudimentary Holy Land!

On seeing the group of cultivators, the principal disciples of the Rudimentary Holy Land rushed over and told the holy lord what had happened a moment ago. They were really frightened after they had survived the incident.

"So it looks like we have to kill this evil creature. Otherwise, the mine of our Rudimentary Holy Land will never be at peace,"

the holy lord of the Rudimentary Holy Land said slowly to his men.

"Now, let's go and see the area where the flying demonic monkey appeared. Maybe we can find some clues about it.

Across the Northern Mine District, that area is well-known for the perilous mine, as these kinds of weird events always happened here.

This time, we may crack the secret of these perilous mines in the Northern Mine District completely,"

another voice echoed. The speaker was an aged man. He looked as if he had lived a really long time and his skin was as old as the old bark.

He was a reclusive elder of the Rudimentary Holy Land, enjoying a position as high as the holy lord.

"You are right. I often come to the Northern Mine District. This time my attempt is to explore it completely, trying to discover the secret here."

The holy lord agreed with the reclusive elder and nodded his head in agreement.

"Well, so I guess only a few of us will be enough to go there. Elder Jordan, please keep guarding this area. You shall be in-charge of the others,"

the holy lord of the Rudimentary Holy Land announced loudly.

"Yes, sir!"

Elder Jordan was one who had earlier gone to the headquarters from the mine to report what had happened there.

He had been working there and guarding the mine present in that area.

After making those arrangements, the holy lord of the Rudimentary Holy Land and the other elders started to use their bodily movement skills and left from there in a split second. They were flying to the exact location where the flying demonic monkey had been found.

The other cultivators of the Rudimentary Holy Land, which were about five or six hundred, who had just come there, landed on the ground. Under the leadership of Elder Jordan, they started to set the things in the mining area in order.

After the fight, the whole area of the mine was in a mess.

A moment ago, the flying demonic monkey and the two elders of the Rudimentary Holy Land fought fiercely and almost everything was ruined.

Nearly all the tents which were there on the ground, could not be seen.

Moreover, there was a wide crack that appeared in the ground now. It looked extremely shocking.

As for the few thousand miners, more than half of them were dead.

Out of those, only about one thousand miners survived the fight and were able to leave there alive.

"It looks like we need to recruit more miners!"

Elder Jordan said shaking his head in helplessness.

Just at that moment, they heard something which broke the eerie void and silence.

It was weird to hear some strange noises coming from ahead.

Austin came out of the Slave Tower. He was still under the cover of his spiritual sense.

'That demonic creature should have left by now.'

Austin's heart was still fluttering with fear. He recalled his experience of an hour earlier when he was almost dragged out of the chaotic void.

'I need to get out of here! If it again becomes dangerous, I can get into the Slave Tower and keep myself safe.'

Making up his mind, Austin used his spatial force and let it out from the Slave Tower. He checked the area thoroughly.

He was really lucky!

It was great news for him that the aura of the flying demonic monkey was nowhere!

Getting out of the chaotic void, Austin heaved a sigh of relief on realizing that the flying demonic monkey had already left.

As he looked around, he saw that there were many disciples of the Rudimentary Holy Land in the mining area.


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