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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1753

Yannick knew that the Flame Holy Land always had conflicts with the three holy lands and the three prominent families in the East Mainland over the years.

His words were actually hinting that he was siding with the Flame Holy Land.

"Really? That's great! Thank you very much, sir!"

Austin was truly overjoyed upon hearing his words.

What he had said really meant a lot to them.

The Deep Sea Commercial House was the largest commercial firm in the East Mainland. It had a long history in the business world and had a very strong financial resources.

Almost every country and city in the East Mainland were doing business with the Deep Sea Commercial House.

In other words, even the wealth of the three holy lands or the three families was no match to the wealth of the Deep Sea Commercial House.

So, if the Flame Holy Land could cooperate with the Deep Sea Commercial House, it would greatly help in the growth and development of the Flame Holy Land.

"Well, let's leave the Sunset City first," said Yannick.

They then performed their bodily movement skills and left Sunset City right away.

A day later.

A shocking news spread throughout the East Mainland like wildfire.

It was said that the fire crow race that had disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years suddenly reappeared in Sunset City.

It was now occupying the whole city and everyone seemed to be affected.

The warriors in the whole East Mainland became excited when they heard the news.

Some of them were astounded but some of them also doubted its authenticity.

Soon enough, a lot of warriors rushed to Sunset City. They wanted to confirm if the news was really true.

But unfortunately, those warriors were obstructed by the warriors of the fire crow race. They couldn't even cross the border. They were not allowed to enter the city so conflicts happened from time to time.

Many warriors were hurt badly. They were unfortunate enough to have encountered the masters of the fire crow race during the fights.

Because of it, they had confirmed that the news was true. The fire crow race had really reappeared after hundreds of thousands of years.

After leaving the Sunset City, Yannick went straight to the headquarters of the Deep Sea Commercial House. He wanted to deal with Alonzo, the second chief.

Yannick had already made a decision. This time, he would kill Alonzo.

Initially, Austin had planned to go with him to help but Yannick politely refused. Although he was thankful of Austin's offer, this was something he had to do on his own. He wanted to face Alonzo by himself.

Austin couldn't insist because he respected Yannick's decision. So, after contemplating for a while, he eventually decided to return to the headquarters of Flame Holy Land.

He arrived at the headquarters of Flame Holy Land two days later.

The moment he stepped on their base, he doubted if he had come to the right place.

The view before him was quite different from the last time it was here.

The boundless brown desert was now replaced by a boundless prairie.

Austin looked around and he was surprised of what he was seeing. The whole place was now covered with dark green grass. The level ground began to rise and formed countless small hills.

Several rivers were also now flowing past the fields.

While he was floating in the air, Austin found out that all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was flowing towards the headquarters of Flame Holy Land from hundreds of miles away.

At the same time, the Earth Energy was constantly flowing to the direction of the headquarters of Flame Holy Land beneath the ground.

In short, the power of the whole world had been focused on the land.

The barren former headquarters of Flame Holy Land had become a gathering place of energy.

Austin knew that it was all because Elder Sharp had repaired the Sect-protecting Array.

"The Sect-protecting Array of our Flame Holy Land is really powerful," exclaimed Austin.

He couldn't help but praise the array while staring at the prosperous place.

All of a sudden, Austin began to frown.

He felt that many people were spying on their place. They were all lurking in the darkness.

In his estimate, there were at least several hundreds of people.

They hid themselves at the edge of the former headquarters of Flame Holy Land. Some cultivators had even camped there.

'Who are they? What are they doing there?' thought Austin inwardly.

With the help of his spiritual sense, Austin spotted some people nearby.


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