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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1782

"By the way, Elder Sharp, why did you two suddenly come to the Five Elements City?"

Austin was clearly curious as to the former's intention.

"Brat, Elder Sharp intends to set up a teleportation array that can directly connect the headquarters of the Flame Holy Land to the Five Elements City.

Now that the array foundation in the headquarters has been completed, the only thing left to do is to set up another one in the Five Elements City.

That's why we came here––to lay out the foundation array in this city."

Before Elder Sharp could even utter a reply, Earth Hermit rushed to answer Austin's question.


Elder Sharp can arrange a teleportation array? Now, that's something!"

The excitement was so evident in Austin's tone as he spat out those words.

Profound and extensive knowledge of arrays was required to set up the remote teleportation array.

Moreover, it was to everyone's understanding that all the existing teleportation arrays in the East Mainland had come down from ancient times.

Now, none of the array experts in the East Mainland could set up a remote teleportation array.

Unexpectedly, Elder Sharp had the knowledge and ability to assemble one!

"Boy, what are you talking about?

Elder Sharp's array proficiency is much more powerful than you can imagine.

I've never praised anyone in my life except Elder Sharp. You can say that I'm his number one admirer."

From the way he talked, it was highly evident that Earth Hermit adored Elder Sharp very much.

"The teleportation arrays have already been arranged in the Fire City and the River City.

Now, only the construction of the array foundation in the Five Elements City has not commenced.

Those three cities are closest to the headquarters of the Flame Holy Land, so we should control them firmly as the base for our future development."

A conviction could be extracted from Elder Sharp's voice.

"That's great!

With the teleportation array that goes straight to our headquarters, the three cities will soon be under the control of the Flame Holy Land."

Austin's eyes twinkled with thrill and excitement as he exclaimed those words.

Then, Elder Sharp, along with Earth Hermit and Austin, began to set up the teleportation array foundation in the Five Elements City.

All of them decided to construct it in the castellan mansion as they thought it was the perfect place to do so.

As Elder Sharp deployed the array, Earth Hermit helped him to try putting it into action.

Meanwhile, Austin just stood aside and chose to intently watch them.

His eyes dazzled in admiration as he witnessed how extremely brilliant Elder Sharp's technique was.

As he further watched the two finishing the setup, he couldn't help but be deeply inspired. Perhaps, he should soon start learning that same technique from Elder Sharp.

Austin let out a slight smug as he thought of his next goal for improvement.

About half a day later, at a secret place in the castellan mansion...

The set up was finally complete.

Faint and profound transmission power slowly emitted from the array foundation.

"Okay, let's test it out."

Elder Sharp took the lead and stepped into the teleportation array.

Austin and Earth Hermit quietly followed suit, growing excited by every second.

Elder Sharp made a gesture and sent his vital energy into the array foundation.

In a flash, the entire teleportation array burst into dazzling light, and a transmission power was ignited.

It was indeed in a brilliant piece of machinery.

In a blink of an eye, the three disappeared from the teleportation array and entered the teleportation channel.

A moment later, Austin finally felt his feet touching the ground.

Apparently, he had reached the destination.

Raising his head, Austin attempted to take a look around him.

He found himself standing in the hall of a newly built palace, where three teleportation arrays stood.

The entire hall was huge enough to house that many arrays all at once.

Austin was standing in one of the teleportation arrays.

He had guessed that the other two would actually lead to the Fire City and the River City.

Together, Elder Sharp, Austin, and Earth Hermit walked out of the palace.

Suddenly, Austin's mouth turned agape, and his eyes glinted brightly as he realized where they were.

They were indeed back at the headquarters of the Flame Holy Land! The array was a total success!

Before him laid a vast land that floated in midair––it was the original Flame Holy Land.


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