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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1791

Upon seeing the chief of the Han Clan, Elder Sharp made several gestures with his hands, waving them in the air. Immediately, the light curtain which enveloped the Sect-protecting Array disappeared, and the entire array became visible for everyone to see.

People outside the array could see the headquarters of the Flame Holy Land again.

"Ha-ha! You are the chief of the Han Clan. Welcome!"

Elder Brendan greeted as he opened his arms to welcome the new arrival.

Being one of the three prominent clans, the Han Clan was the only top force in the East Mainland that was not hostile to the Flame Holy Land.

In fact, for the past decades, the Han Clan had been secretly helping the Flame Holy Land in a lot of their endeavors.

Just then.

Caw! Caw! Caw!

On the other side, hair-raising howls could be heard from the distant sky.

Soon, a raging fire sea appeared above the horizon and moved towards the direction of the Flame Holy Land. There was a heat wave in the air. Austin could feel the heat was coming from the immense fire.

The sea of flames came to a standstill right above the Flame Holy Land.

"I am from the fire crow race. I and my people have come to congratulate you on your rebuilding of the Flame Holy Land!" said a thin Taoist loudly.

He stood tall and talked with authority as he cupped his hands in front of him.

'They are from the fire crow race.'

Everyone was shocked and stared at the fire sea.

The fire crow race suddenly appeared in the Sunset City not long ago, and this shocked the whole East Mainland.

However, they had kept a low profile and had not mingled with people in the outside world ever since they re-appeared.

Out of the blue, they had come here to attend the reestablishment ceremony of the Flame Holy Land.

The three elders and four stewards of the Flame Holy Land did not understand what was going on.

'Our holy land isn't friends with the fire crow race.

Why did they come here?' they wondered.

"Hello Austin! It's nice to see you again.

I heard that you are now the Holy Heritor of the Flame Holy Land. I am here to offer my congratulations on the rebuilding of your sect. Together with my folks we rejoice with you and your people.

I came here uninvited. I hope I did not cause you too much trouble," the thin Taoist said with a smile.

He fixed his eyes on Austin.

After hearing this, people realized that members of the fire crow race came because of Austin.

People started asking themselves why members of the fire crow race who had just reappeared after a long time would be good friends with Austin. These were aloof kind of people, and they didn't normally associate themselves with other clans. Now, here they were rubbing shoulders with Austin.

Yannick smiled to himself as he watched the confused look on people's face. Only he knew what was going on.

"We are flattered, sir.

It's an honor to have you here,"

Austin said as he bowed his head in respect.

Austin did not understand why the chief of the fire crow race liked him.

'Maybe it is because of the Fire Stela.

This elder told me that the Fire Stela belonged to an elder in the ancient years.

The fire crow race seemed to be friends with the old master.

He probably thinks I was a disciple of that old master. Perhaps that is why he is very fond of me.' Austin reasoned to himself.

"Ha-ha! Thank you for traveling all the way here. You are our distinguished guests. This way, please," Elder Brendan said to the Taoist respectfully.

He then turned to the chief of the Han Clan and motioned them to come inside.

"Please come in."

Elder Sharp waved his hands in the air. A mist of different colors appeared as he threw together formulas with his hands. Soon, a portal appeared on the Sect-protecting Array.

The chief of the Han Clan and the old Taoist led their troops through the portal, and they landed on the Flame Holy Land.

The three elders of the Flame Holy Land commanded their crew to welcome the guests.

"Hello! I am Ward Xiao; together with my subordinates, I am here to congratulate the reconstruction ceremony of the Flame Holy Land!"

Suddenly, a loud and unrestrained laughter could be heard from the distant sky like a fierce thunder.

At that point, a group of cavalry came into view.


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