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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1804

"Austin! He is the Holy Heritor of the Flame Holy Land!"

the old man in grey from the Merry Gang exclaimed as he fixed his eyes on Austin. There was a confused look on his face, as he looked both excited and worried.

His thoughts were probably in a conflict. Finally, he made up his mind and started to walk towards Austin.

Once he got closer, he suddenly got down on one knee in front of Austin.

He turned towards the other members of the Merry Gang and said, "Young master, miss, and all of you, come here. Kneel down in front of the Holy Heritor!

Hurry up!"

His sudden action and words startled all the people of the Merry Gang on the spot.

"Elder Spencer, what are... you..."

the members of the Merry Gang mumbled as they were even more confused.

Although Austin had saved them just now, it was not in Elder Spencer's usual manner to kneel casually before anyone.

"Hurry up! You should listen to me and follow my words!"

shouted Elder Spencer, irritated at the hesitation of the other members of the Merry Gang.

At his behest and insistence, the rest of the members of the Merry Gang had to kneel down before Austin.

Austin looked at Elder Spencer and found from his worrisome expression that he needed his help.

So, he decided to remain calm and hear what the old man wanted to say.

"Young hero, may I ask if you are Austin Lin, the Holy Heritor from the Flame Holy Land?"

Elder Spencer asked Austin with due respect.

"Yes. Indeed, I am Austin."

Austin confirmed and nodded his head.

"Great! That means our Merry Gang can be saved!

Holy Heritor, please have mercy on us and save the lives of tens of thousands of disciples of our Merry Gang!"

Elder Spencer said to Austin in a sincere tone. He seemed to be pleading for help.

"Well, I'd like you to tell me what happened,"

Austin said to the old man.

"Holy Heritor, please allow me to explain. In our Flame Kingdom, something terrible happened.

Recently, many sects within our kingdom have been seized by the imperial army of our kingdom.

Moreover, all the members of those sects of our kingdom have been captured by the imperial army.

As of now, more than a dozen sects, including our Merry Gang has been eradicated by the imperial army.

All the people of these destroyed sects, including the sect leader and disciples, were taken to the imperial capital city for further punishment citing treason.

By now, hundreds of thousands of people have been escorted to the imperial capital city by the army of the royal family.

Yesterday, our Merry Gang was suddenly surrounded by the imperial troops. In a short time, the headquarters of our gang were reduced to ruins and tens of thousands of our disciples were caught.

Under our leader's command, I along with over one hundred principal disciples set out to protect our leader's son and daughter. We finally managed to break through the siege of the imperial army and got here.

Unexpectedly, they caught us again.

We were lucky to meet you and be saved by you,"

Elder Spencer narrated everything in detail.

"Well, it is strange. I never thought something like that could happen,"

Austin said in surprise.

In general terms, martial power was the only way to establish a kingdom on the Divine Continent.

The royal members of every kingdom would live in peaceful coexistence with the sects within its ruling territory.

Moreover, all the sects of a kingdom was often a part of its martial power.

This was done so that if a war broke out between one kingdom and another, they could rely on the power of the sects in their territory, and fight against the enemy together.

In other words, the royal family and the sects within that kingdom shared the rooting interest.

It was really weird that the royal family of the Flame Kingdom would do something like that.

"Did any of the sects in your kingdom do something that offended the royal family? Could there be something that has angered them so much that they would eradicate you?"

Austin asked, curious to know what led to that kind of action.

"Absolutely not. All the members of the Merry Gang have been respectful towards the royal family always. We are careful in everything and have never offended the royal family in any way.

Besides, our leader and many of the royal members are close friends.

Unfortunately, this time we are facing this kind of problem that could destroy our entire gang.

Holy Heritor, please help us and save the innocent people of our Merry Gang.

Perhaps, you are the only one who can save us now."

After that, Elder Spencer was kowtowing to Austin.


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