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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1832

'What?' If they weren't so sure of their emotions, then the word would have certainly echoed out.

Alan's remark severely stunned the students of the White Tiger School and the disciples of the Arcane Holy Land.

The next moment, came an unlikely noise.


The earth began to shake. In the distance, a dazzling sea appeared which, on closer inspection, turned out to be lightning. The weirdest part was that it seemed to be made up of human shaped creatures and was rapidly approaching them from a distance.

It was then, that Austin was seen to appear. The students and the disciples saw that he was running in front of the human shaped creatures, as if they were chasing him.

"Didn't you just say that you wanted me to find out how talented the students of your school are? Didn't you just want me to witness your abilities?

By that, I hope you meant the ability to escape like a coward!"

Austin called out and kept running forward.

Dozens of those weird, human shaped creatures were chasing after him. They were surrounded by strange lightning and continuously tried to rush out and hit Austin.

Austin's head and his back had been burnt black by the lightning. Smoke was rising in the air and a smell of burnt flesh was drenching their nostrils.

However, one thing Austin was glad of was the fact that the speed of these human shaped creatures seemed to be square with his own; perhaps a bit less but certainly not more. In all likelihood, these creatures belonged to a race that was not good at tracking and chasing.

Even so, he was unable to get rid of his pursuers. He would have to find another way.

"Oh, my God!

What are those things?" someone exclaimed in horror.

"Never mind that! Run!"

Ignoring Austin's remarks, they began to run. They had no other choice.

At a single glance, they had realized that something dangerous was approaching.

Although they were very good at cultivation, the only one among them who was actually able to compete with Austin in terms of speed was Alan.

As a result, it wasn't long before Austin caught up with the remaining students and disciples.

Alan took the lead and Austin followed him closely. The remaining students and disciples lagged behind.

The disciples of the Arcane Holy Land were weaker than the students of the White Tiger School and they lagged behind the farthest.

All of a sudden, an idea occurred to Austin.

Running at the same pace, he brought out the Invincible Bow and toyed with the bowstring. Immediately, arrows of purple light began to shoot out and ran backwards.

After learning and mastering Magic Archery, he didn't need to aim at his targets. All that needed to be done was use his spiritual sense and think of the target; the arrows he shot would then go toward it spontaneously.

Therefore, Austin did not even need to turn around to use the Invincible Bow. He just used his spiritual sense and targeted the people behind him. The purple light arrows kept on shooting backwards and attacked the ones following him.

Instantly, his pursuers became flustered. In their effort to defend themselves against the purple light arrows, they were forced to slow down since they weren't powerful enough to run and dodge the arrows at the same time.

"Damn it!

Brat, you're courting death right now!"

The students of the White Tiger School became furious. They now hated Austin to the core but the feeling was laid back by a sense of danger.

"You stupid monster! Stop that!"

"Damn it! Those things are drawing nearer! Run faster!"

The disciples of the Arcane Holy Land were lagging behind the farthest now and began to cry hysterically.

Finally, the weird, lightning based creatures caught up with them and the disciples were horrified to see that they were all at the Heavenly Grotto Realm.

Suddenly, with a roar, one of the human shaped creatures fell from the sky on the disciples with a stone stick more than two meters long in its hand.

In its landing, it smashed four or five disciples of the Arcane Holy Land into minced, burnt meat.

The students from the White Tiger School weren't able to perform any better and as the pursuers caught up with them, they too were forced to stop and battle for their lives.

Pretty soon, the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle.

Of course, when faced with such powerful creatures, the students of the White Tiger School couldn't block off the attacks and were forced to retreat one step after another. They weren't strong enough to fight back and could only try to resist the attacks. Within moments, several of them were seriously or even critically injured.

"Alan, help!"

one of the students cried out in agony when half of his body was smashed into pieces by one of the creatures.

Hearing his shout, Alan came to a stop and hesitated. He was torn between two decisions.


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