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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1839

Austin's eyes fell on the dark purple herbal pot.

It had a simple and unsophisticated shape. It was a bit worn out and had some traces of sediments that showed its many years of usage.

The sun was shining on top of the tripod and it cast the shadows of dragon and phoenix. They were moving back and forth as if they were playing with each other.

There was a faint, high pitched music coming from the herbal pot that gave someone a sense of courage.

Austin had a feeling that this was not an ordinary pot. There was something special about the herbal pot that he needed to figure out.

The medicine garden had extraordinary items like semi-omnipotent herb, high-grade superior herb, and superior pill.

After staring at the herbal pot for quite some time, Austin stepped forward and pushed it with his hand.

"Oh? What's wrong? Why is it so heavy?"

Austin said to himself in surprise.

There was a bewildered look on his face when he found himself unable to push the herbal pot.

Austin was not an ordinary man. With his strong physical strength and his current vital energy level, it was kind of strange that he could not move a simple herbal pot.

He then decided to activate his vital energy. Light golden vital energy emanated rapidly from his body like a great river.

Now that he boosted his power, he decided to give it another try. He then grabbed the ear of the tripod and tried to lift it with all his might.

The herbal pot remained as it was. It did not budge, not even for a bit!

"Damn! What kind of pot is this?"

Frustration started to build up on Austin. As he didn't want to waste any time, he immediately started his next attempt. This time he summoned all his vital energy force and physical strength, then he once again tried to lift the pot.

The pot remained as it was. He still couldn't move it!


Austin looked at the pot meticulously and took a deep breath.

"Damn it! It's just an herbal pot. What's in there? How could it be so heavy?"

Austin was shocked. He couldn't fathom the mystery of the pot.

"Brady, come out. I don't know what's with this herbal pot. Can you please check how heavy is it?"

Austin asked through his spiritual sense.

Brady immediately came out of the Slave Tower.

The result stunned Austin even more!

"Master, I'm sorry, but I also can't lift it!"

Brady said to Austin and shook his head.

'How could that be? Even a strong master as Brady himself was not able to lift this herbal pot. This is ridiculous!' Austin thought.

"Master, this is not an ordinary herbal pot. It is a magic treasure. I think this has to be refined before you can activate it,"

said Brady.

"Oh! Really? Okay, then I will try to refine it now.

Please guard me while I do it,"

Austin said.

Brady nodded. He then stood aside to guard Austin.

Violet and the gnome followed suit and also stood by his side.

Austin started his refinement. He released his spiritual sense and extended it into the herbal pot.


Austin was startled the moment his spiritual sense touched the herbal pot.

Suddenly a dark yellow flame came out from the herbal pot. Then it instantly became a big fire. It directly went into Austin's Soul Sea and started to attack his spiritual soul.

"What is this? Wait a second! Is this the Original Prime Fire? The one that ranks third in the Unearthly Fire list?"

Austin was taken aback.

Being a pill refiner himself, Austin was familiar with all kinds of Unearthly Fire.

The Essence of Superior Pill also described the Unearthly Fire in detail.

That was why Austin was able to immediately recognize that the dark yellow flame from the herbal pot was the Original Prime Fire. And it ranked third on the list of the Unearthly Fire list.

A sea of yellow fire engulfed Austin's Soul Sea and it seemed that the terrifying flames would burn it entirely.

He immediately came back to his senses. He then released the three kinds of Unearthly Fire into his Soul Sea to stop the Original Prime Fire on its attack.

The spiritual tree also sensed the imminent danger. It released a formidable refining power that flooded over the fire.

"Master, let me help you!"

Brady immediately made his move when he noticed that something was wrong.


A large bird suddenly rushed into Austin's Soul Sea. It opened its overwhelming black wings and flapped them immediately. The airwaves it stirred up came towards the fire.

Austin was surprised by the bird's sudden appearance. It seemed that it was transformed by Brady's spiritual soul.

He couldn't help but wonder if Brady's real identity was a diabolic beast.


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