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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1847

After Austin finished refining the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask, he found something in it. Inquisitive as always, he immediately used his spiritual sense to find out more about it.

"Dark sea water!"

Austin was surprised to know.

It was revealed to him that there was some dark sea water of the Immortal Burial Sea which was in the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask.

The sea water was so frightening that Austin did not dare to touch it.

"It is said that the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask has the ability to engulf everything. It's true I guess. That is how the sea water of the Immortal Burial Sea got collected in it!"

Austin murmured in amazement.

Suddenly, Austin's eyes lit up.

'If that's the case, I'll just fill the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask with more of the sea water of the Immortal Burial Sea!

In future when I am fighting with my enemies, I can attack them with the sea water when they aren't paying attention. In that case, even if they are the masters of the Heavenly Grotto Realm, they will either be dead or disabled, '

Austin thought, excited at the prospect of owning and using it on his enemies.

On the other hand, the tsunami hadn't receded, and the Pot of Chaos was still in the sea. So, Austin had to wait patiently.

It was after five or six hours that the scenario changed.

The tsunami finally subsided, and the tide gradually receded.

At last, the sea water had returned to its original position. The tumultuous waves became silent.

Using his spiritual sense, Austin was able to perceive that it was calm outside.

He carefully opened the lid of the Pot of Chaos and got out of it.

There were no other warriors nearby. Not a human was present there.

The dark sea spread across the whole distance was as calm as a mirror. The intelligent corpses were floating in the sea.

Except those, Austin didn't see any other thing.


Finally! They've all gone away!"

Seeing everything so peaceful, Austin heaved a long sigh of relief.

With a wave of his hand, Austin put away the Pot of Chaos. Then he took out the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask.

He stretched his body and cautiously approached the surface of the sea.

A moment later, Austin was two or three meters away from the sea surface.

His heart was pounding wildly as he got closer to the water. He could not help shivering when he thought of that freak.

The freak in black robe had startled Austin earlier, when he suddenly appeared in a boat from the deep sea. He was apprehensive of meeting that freak again. If that happened, he was afraid it would become dangerous for him.

But what could he do? He had no other choice.

Austin raised the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask and waved it at the surface of the black sea which was not far away.

The opening at the top of the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask suddenly expanded into a huge black hole. It created a formidable power that went down till it touched the surface of the sea.


In an instant, the black sea water rose like a giant dragon. The water started to rush up and was sucked into the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask.

Austin was overjoyed to see that the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask could itself absorb the sea water from the Immortal Burial Sea.

To his surprise, the capacity of the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask seemed to be immeasurable. It kept sucking in the sea water continuously.

The turbulent black water continued to pour into the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask. It didn't seem to stop at all.

Moments later, Austin noticed that the surface of the sea had fallen a little. The level of the water had reduced visibly.

It was not hard for anyone to imagine how much sea water had been sucked out by the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask.

Hours passed by.

A tinge of fear coursed through Austin's body.

Far in the horizon, at the distance across the sea, where the water and the sky met, a point of white light suddenly appeared. It looked like it was coming towards the shore.

Without a moment of hesitation, Austin rushed towards the mainland at the fastest speed he could achieve. He didn't even have time to put the Sky-devouring Gourd Cask away, so he held it in his hand all the time.


With the approaching boat, more than ten dark iron chains suddenly materialized and flew towards Austin on the shore.


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