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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1851

"Oh no! It's the nine-headed python! Another ancient beast!"

someone nearby shouted when he recognized the snake.


Strangely, the body of the snake was covered in bright blood red scales as if it had been dipped in the blood pool. A loud hiss slipped from its mouth as it charged at the tiger.


The tiger switched back to its large form and slashed at the snake while it snapped back.

This fight lasted less time than the first one had and eventually it ended.

The white jade tiger had bitten and crushed the nine heads of the nine-headed python, and the powerful python had crushed the white jade tiger's throat.

Slowly and dramatically, both beasts rolled off the cliff and hit the bottom with a crash.


After waiting to ensure no more beasts were coming, several of the cultivators flew towards the nest.

Surely, whoever reached it first would be blessed with the mysterious treasure in the bird nest. Why else would three beasts of the Heavenly Grotto Realm fight so viciously for it?

In a split second, Austin joined them. He used his advanced bodily movement skill and reached the edge of the bird's nest faster than many of the other warriors.

The sides of the nest were made of giant pieces of wood and were about ten square meters in height. Peering over the side, Austin was taken by surprise.

He saw a shiny, white silkworm cocoon placed in the very middle of the nest.

This silkworm cocoon was about one meter in diameter and it was bulging and moving in all directions sleepily.

Above it, strings of colorful light shone and flickered. Austin took a step backwards as the strong spiritual energy collected into a fog and floated above the nest.

From the fog, a pleasant aroma spread and he smiled.

Shoop! Shoop! Shoop!

More cultivators teleported onto the nest until there was almost no room for anyone to stand. They all stared questioningly at the cocoon.

"Wait. This makes no sense. Why are three beasts of the Heavenly Grotto Realm fighting for a silkworm cocoon?"

one of the warriors asked, looking cluelessly at the others.

"I'll look closer. Stay back."

Another cultivator exited the crowd and leapt on top of the nest. He surveyed the cocoon then turned around, smiling at the others.


The smile dropped from his face as a black cloud flew from a hole in the ceiling of the mountain. Thousands of black armored beetles swept over his head and landed on the silkworm cocoon.

They crawled around on the surface and pressed together until the cocoon was enclosed.

As they huddled together, their wings flapped, creating a metallic sound that rang throughout the air.

"These are black-armored devil beetles!"

the warrior said, jumping down from the nest.


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