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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1855

However, when Austin was a few miles away from the nest, an idea occurred to him. To be precise, it was less of an idea than an epiphany.

He turned around instantly and rushed down the cliff.

Three ancient beats were lying dead at the bottom of the cliff and their bodies would have begun to rot pretty soon.

The corpses belonged to a golden fire lion, a white jade tiger, and a nine-headed python.

"Hmm. These are ancient and powerful beasts and their dead bodies contain immense amounts of unutilized energy even after their death. It would be a shame to let them rot here," Austin murmured.

He rushed forwards, and with a wave of his hand, teleported the three giant corpses into the Slave Tower. Later on, they could be used and they wouldn't rot while inside the tower.

A very important benefit he could reap now was that while cultivating the Immortal Body Refining Formula, he could add other precious materials to the mixture to improve its properties, in addition to the ones which were necessarily required.

In fact, the formula said that he could add all kinds of ingredients; including precious natural recourses, herbs, pills, various rare crystals, and even the dead bodies of rare diabolic beasts. These things would provide energy to him and allow better cultivation when he practiced the Immortal Body Refining Formula.

The rarity of those additional treasures was directly related to how the amount of energy they could provide.

Ancient beasts were quite a rare type of animals and their body parts would prove highly useful.

Austin decided that he would add these three ancient beasts when he practiced the Immortal Body Refining Formula next time.

Then he kicked off his bodily movement skill and rushed out of the mountain without looking back.

Very soon after he had left the mountain, two masters at the Heavenly Grotto Realm rushed in from the east and landed on the bird nest.

One of them was an old man clad in a graceful grey. He was about fifty years old and looked wise and solemn. With a wave of his sleeve, he made the unconscious Jerome rise up and float in front of him. Then, he brought out a purple pill which was giving off a delicate fragrance and put it into Jerome's mouth.

He then transferred some vital energy into Jerome too, and shortly after these steps, Jerome woke up.

"Steward Pruitt, Steward Jelly!"

His tone was relieved and embarrassed. He had been defeated after all.

"We came as soon as we got your message.

It looks like we were still later than we should have been.

Never mind. Tell us exactly what happened; who got the cocoon of the divine silkworm?

Who did this to you?" the elder in grey asked.

He was Steward Pruitt.

With a sigh, Jerome began explaining to them in detail, exactly what had taken place just now.

To answer the last part of the question, he concentrated and a streak of spiritual sense rushed out of his Soul Sea. It morphed itself into the image of a slender young man—Austin!

"This is the guy! He hurt me and stole the divine silkworm,"

Jerome told the elders.

"This brat does not seem to be from the Middle Pilgrim Land.

We will investigate him and figure out who he is and where he comes from.

He has dared to hurt and insult a disciple of our land. He is the first one to ever have the guts to do that and he most certainly will be the last!

That divine silkworm could have proven extremely useful. We must get it back.

Once we find out who this young man is, then even after leaving the Heavenly Immortal World, we will send people to his sect and get justice!"

Steward Pruitt snorted coldly.

"You're right, Steward Pruitt, there's no way in hell we can let that brat go."

Jerome was overjoyed at the prospect.

'Humph! You are in big trouble now, you low-lying scum!'

Jerome felt thrilled at the idea that these people were going to avenge him.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

At this moment, another group of people rushed onto the mountain and landed without the slightest bit of pressure on the nest.

Among them was a young man, clad in silver, and looking proud and cold. He was the young talent of the Unworldly Sect who engaged Austin a while back.

"Oh, Steward Pruitt, I didn't expect you to be here so early. Never you mind that!

Where is that brat who stole the divine silkworm?"

a tall, thin middle-aged man from the group asked Steward Pruitt of the Heavenly Mysterious Sect.

"You think he would dare to stay here? He has already escaped,"

Steward Pruitt replied.

"I can't believe that there is such a powerful young man outside our Middle Pilgrim Land. I would have thought it impossible,"


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