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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1872

Just as Isis was busy fussing over this strange young man's rude and infuriating behavior, a middle-aged man, clad in silver, and approaching them quickly, caught her attention. Hold on, something was wrong!

She was taken aback.

'It's a Heavenly Grotto Realm master, ' she exclaimed inwardly, recognizing the face being one of her foes.

The next moment, she immediately understood what was going on and figured out that the young man was actually trying to help her escape.

However, Austin's speed surprised her.

She could tell that he was at the medium stage of Minor-perfection Realm, but even so, he was much faster than she would expect such a cultivator to be.

For now, however, the time wasn't right to ask questions. Isis chose to be silent and allowed the young man to take her hand and lead her into the depths of the desert.

After a while, the middle-aged man in silver was stopped by a woman at the Heavenly Grotto Realm, who was from the Moon Palace. The two sides once again engaged in a fierce battle.

The three cultivators at the Heavenly Grotto Realm were enraged to watch Isis escape and see that they could do nothing to catch her. "Go get that bitch.

She might have got that treasure," one of them shouted at the others.

Immediately, about a hundred cultivators at the Major and Minor perfection Realms began chasing after Austin and Isis.

"And no need to let that guy go. Kill him too! He should have stayed out of this in the first place," the middle-aged man in silver roared out from behind them.

He had seen how Austin had come to Isis' rescue like some freaking knight. The anger had clouded his judgment and he had immediately ordered an assassination, without stopping to consider what he might be interfering with.

On the other hand, Austin was busy trying to confuse his pursuers and leading Isis deeper into the desert. Pretty soon, he managed to outrun them and saw no one after looking back. Finally, the duo were able to slow down and get some rest.

This was possible only thanks to Austin's highly powerful bodily movement skill. Without that, they might still have been running with the cultivators hard at their tail. Or perhaps they'd be dead by now.

As for those cultivators, even though they had been chasing the duo for quite a while now, they could no longer spot even a hair of Austin or Isis. Their targets were now invisible to them. Even their spiritual senses failed to locate them.

Despite that, Austin didn't lower his guard. After stopping for a while, he grabbed her hand once again and dragged Isis deeper still into the desert.

He was afraid that the three Heavenly Grotto Realm masters who were chasing after them might catch up anytime soon since their speeds were also quite high and they could reach this place if they tried.

He could feel that the middle-aged man in silver had a terrible aura around him that spoke of his frightening fighting powers. Most probably, he was much stronger than most masters of the Heavenly Grotto Realm.

However, even after an hour had passed, they saw and heard no trace of their pursuers.

Now Isis was getting agitated. Seeing that Austin was still holding her hand and had no intention of letting go, she couldn't help it. She arched her eyebrows and complained. "We don't need to be in a hurry anymore. We've shaken them off for now,"

she told Austin in a sullen voice as she tried to remove her hand from his grip.

"No. We need to continue moving. The three Heavenly Grotto Realm masters can easily spot us if they get close enough. Their spiritual senses are highly developed,"

Austin replied, without stopping in his tracks.

Isis made several attempts to free herself from his grasp, but they were all in vain. And Austin himself was too preoccupied to notice.

"Hey! Listen! You can let go of my hand now!"

"Oh! Right!"

Austin finally understood and noticed her attempts and with an awkward smile, he released her soft hand.

However, it was more like a smirk from Isis' point of view.

'He must have done this on purpose!' she thought, casting him an angry stare.

Slowing down, they continued to delve deeper into the desert at a brisk pace.

Although they found no signs of the three Heavenly Grotto Realm masters, they still had to stay vigilant since there were more than a hundred cultivators at the Major and Minor perfection Realms still on the lookout for them.

The desert they were in seemed endless, and easily had an area of at least a hundred thousand square miles. They noticed that the sky, the sand, and even the air itself were as red as blood in color. They stopped dead in their tracks.

This was no illusion. Their eyes were not playing any tricks on them; they could tell since the smell of blood soon filled their noses. It was as if they had walked into a slaughterhouse.


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