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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1906

Austin arrived first mostly due to his rapid flying speed and efficiency.

He waved his sleeve and took one dragon blood crystal to his hand.

Then, he observed it closely and tried to feel its power.

The dragon blood crystal contained an amazing blood essence. It was surrounded by a wisp of a mist-like fairy spirit that made it look miraculous and hazy.

Austin was busily observing the crystal when a group of fierce figures suddenly came up behind his back one after another.

He scanned the whole mountain and found hundreds of dragon blood crystals scattered everywhere.

As he looked around, he saw more than ten thousand warriors approaching the mountain.

He suddenly felt irritated. He knew that under such circumstances, he would only be able to get a few dragon blood crystals.

'Damn it! I need to get these dragon blood crystal as much as I can. I needed a lot of these to cultivate the Immortal Body Refining Formula.

Now, I have to think of a way to get a large number of these all by myself.'

Austin's mind was racing fast while he was in front of the precious dragon blood crystals.

He thought of using the water of the Immortal Burial Sea so that he could easily defeat the cultivators and then quickly collect the crystals.

But then he realized that his Sky-devouring Gourd Cask now contained only a small amount of water from the Immortal Burial Sea.

Austin was only left with a small quantity of water from the Immortal Burial Sea because he had already used it for so many times.

He cherished every drop of water from the Immortal Burial Sea because it was his most powerful trump card.

Aside from that, once he used the water from the Immortal Burial Sea, his real identity would be exposed, and everyone would attack him immediately.

He was not confident that he could deal with tens of thousands of enemies all on his own.

"Oh! I almost forgot about the demonic avatar!"

Austin's face immediately lit up as the idea came into his mind.

While Austin was busily planning his next move, more cultivators were continuously approaching the small mountain

Fierce battles broke out as they scramble for the dragon blood crystals.

The dragon blood crystal was a rare treasure. According to the legends, it contained the blood of the divine real dragon. Any warrior who would get a hold of it would benefit greatly on their cultivation. That was the reason why everybody was fighting to have a piece of it.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

It was an intense battle that killed a lot of cultivators. The whole small mountain turned scarlet because of the blood that splashed throughout the whole area.

Anyone who got to hold a dragon blood crystal would be attacked immediately by the other cultivators.

Even members of the ancient sects and four schools in the Middle Pilgrim Land were also facing the same situation.

More than ten thousand people were battling for the precious dragon blood crystals. Everyone had a murderous look in their eyes. They no longer cared who their opponents were as long as they had the strength to grab the dragon blood crystals.

"Fuck! I'm the principal disciple of the Black Inferno Sect. Who dares to grab my dragon blood crystal?" a young man in a green robe shouted angrily.

Then he suddenly became frightened when he saw a large group of cultivators rushed towards him the moment he got a dragon blood crystal.

"Who cares! I am a first-level disciple at the White Tiger School. If you don't want to die, give me the dragon blood crystal immediately," someone shouted.

The young man in green was attacked by dozens of cultivators all at the same time. No one bothered to show any respect for him.

"All the disciples of the Moon Palace, let's join together and fight!" the Holy Daughter of the Moon Palace shouted.

She couldn't help but frown at the sight of the great chaos in which more than ten thousand people were present. Soon, many female disciples of the Moon Palace rushed to her side.

The female disciples of the Moon Palace united as a team. This greatly improved their strength which enabled them to grab a few dragon blood crystals.

When the other sects saw how the Moon Palace became more powerful, everyone followed suit and began to concentrate their power.

"Hey! Guys, it's the time for us to show up now.


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