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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1921

Austin didn't wait to answer their questions. Instead he lifted his foot and stepped on it again with all his force. He was so full of anger at that point of time that he could not think straight.

The cultivators at the Major-perfection Realm of both the Western Sect and the Ji Clan roared together unanimously. Some of them activated their martial arts while some of them brought out magic treasure to attack the leg that was attacking constantly. The cultivators too refused to give up in front of Austin's power. They were extremely courageous.

Bang! Bang! Bang

Austin gritted his teeth in extreme rage and kept stepping on them without rest. He was as swift as the lightning and his attacks went on for a dozen times. It seemed like an unstoppable cycle.

It had to be said that using physical strength to fight was indeed very simple, fast and direct, giving people a sense of pleasure.

The twelve cultivators of the Major-perfection Realm from the Ji Clan and the Western Sect roared in resentment and fought back bravely without wavering even a little bit. Their spirit was indomitable.

The twelve cultivators at the Major-perfection Realm, half of them were from the Ji Clan, and the other half were from the Western Sect. They were used to calling the shot in their own place in normal times. But tables had turned here.

Now, they were pinned down by their opponent's giant foot and had no escape from it. They never expected this to happen.

It was a feeling of grave frustration and helplessness.

However, they couldn't fly in this space. Although they were not oblivious to the fact that Austin's real body was in midair, they couldn't fly upward to hit Austin and bring him down.

However, Austin could easily stay upright in midair with the support of one of his giant feet.

If they were in the outside world, they could fly in the air and attack Austin from all directions. They would in no way have been suppressed by one of Austin's giant foot.

"How dare you! Go to hell!"

shouted a fat and short middle-aged man who looked like a ball. With a sudden kick of his feet, he jumped high into the air like lightening.

There was no denying the fact that the physical strength of this short and fat middle-aged man was also very strong.


The obese and short middle-aged man finally jumped into the air in a whiff and stood face to face with Austin. He seemed ready for the duel.

Just some moments prior, all his attacks were blocked by Austin's big foot.

But now he felt that he could finally launch a frontal attack on Austin's body.

"Boy, you're so dead! You will not get out of this alive!"

The fat and short middle-aged man stared at Austin with utter resentment. Then a bracelet appeared in his hand. The moment he threw it upwards it suddenly enlarged.

The weapon seemed shiny and glittery. It was made of some unknown metals, which were shiny and emitted various mysterious runes.

Austin could see at a glance that the bracelet was a powerful magic treasure, and its level was no lower than that of the Unrivaled Black Dagger.


The fat and short middle-aged man sneered at Austin, pointing at the bracelet with his finger.


The magic treasure quivered, circling around rapidly. It exuded a formidable aura and rushed towards Austin in full speed.

Austin smiled faintly almost casually. His left arm suddenly transformed into a huge arm, as big as a flood dragon. Then, all the energy and runes on the magic treasure were easily erased and Austin put it into his Space Ring.

Then Austin punched the fat, short and middle-aged man in lightning speed with all his strength.

Austin's fist was so big and fast that half of the sky was taken up by it. The short fat middle-aged man was both shocked at this extremely sudden transformation and angry at the unbelievable twist in the situation.

His body suddenly glowed, and the vital energy force within his body was constantly rushing out to protect his body. Moreover, his body, dimly gave out the shadow of a Buddha.

But all his efforts were in vain.


That short and fat cultivator was hit by a hill-like giant fist.


The body of the short fat and middle-aged man exploded in midair in front of everyone's eyes.

"Steward Nolan, take everyone upstairs right now.

Let me cover for you."

Austin sent a quick message to Nolan, one of the stewards of the Flame Holy Land.

Steward Nolan was completely at a standstill as he witnessed the shocking scene in front of him.

Suddenly he heard Austin's voice through spiritual sense in his Soul Sea. He couldn't help but shudder and stared at the powerful Austin with a look of admiration in his eyes.

"Steward Nolan, I'm Austin, but please keep that a secret now."

Austin hurriedly sent another message.


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