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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1954

'What? There's no way! My eyes have to be playing tricks on me.

He's a master at the Immortal Transforming Realm!' Austin thought, letting his hands drop to his sides.

The elder in yellow looked so average but it appeared his normality was his greatest power. No one ever saw it coming.

Every eye of the people in the Flame Holy Land landed on this elder and examined him cautiously.

Worry coursed through them because as soon as he had stepped out, the people from the old, top-notch sects and the four martial arts schools from the Middle Pilgrim Land appeared smug.

Even if they didn't know the elder's secret, there was a vibe surrounding him that was contagious. Soon, all eyes were on him, waiting for him to attack.

Breaking the short silence, the handsome, young man whose father was the leader of the Unworldly Sect burst into laughter. He clutched his stomach and bent over as giggles tumbled from his lips.

"Austin, today is the day you and the Flame Holy Land will meet your doom! I can't wait to watch!

Elder Saul, this is the man that murdered Elder Cowell and a couple other disciples. He showed them zero mercy.

And if that weren't enough to destroy him, he also stole the divine wine, three ultimate magical treasures, and the most precious martial skills in that hall in the Fallen Immortal World. Those were supposed to be ours.

But this selfish asshole took them all for himself.

Don't let him go!

He is part of this shitty Flame Holy Land.

We must destroy all of it," the son of the leader of the Unworldly Sect told the elder in yellow.

His face was cloaked in red as he glared in Austin's direction, panting heavily from his rant.

Before the elder could respond, another dashing, young man dressed in silver armor walked out from the team of the Unworldly Sect. He approached the elder and blocked the young man from the Unworldly Sect from view.

"Elder Saul, Austin actually took the silk cocoon of the divine silkworm right out from under my nose.

That cocoon of the divine silkworm belonged to us.

Please bring him to justice, Elder Saul!" he added desperately.

Austin narrowed his eyes as he recognized the young man in silver as one of the strong cultivators who had fought with him over the divine silkworm.

Within seconds, the people of other sects and four universities in the Middle Pilgrim Land changed their minds about Elder Saul.

He had seemed like a hope to all of them but it was becoming clear that he worked for the Unworldly Sect.

'He will help the Unworldly Sect by giving them all of Austin's treasures. We will get nothing from him, ' they thought, exchanging annoyed looks with one another.

"Young man, it's even worse than I thought. You've caused too much damage for too long.

It seems I'm the only one who can put you in your place," Elder Saul said, looking at Austin with a frown.

He didn't sound angry like the others but Austin knew that he wouldn't show him any mercy. They all wanted revenge.

Under Elder Saul's gaze, Austin felt small. He had a look in his eyes that told Austin all his deepest secrets had been uncovered.

Elder Saul scanned Austin from head to foot carefully. To Austin's surprise, his eyes lit up and he smiled. What had he discovered?

"Interesting! I really did not expect this!

Boy, you seem to have a lot of secrets.

You're more than meets the eye, that's for sure!" he exclaimed.

Yet, he didn't pull out any weapons.

Greed grew in the elder's eyes and Austin felt anticipation build in his bones and muscles.

He looked to Elder Sharp and then back at Elder Saul with a million questions in his eyes.

'This old man must have his eyes on some of my treasures. What else would have seen in me?

And he's a cultivator at the Immortal Transforming Realm!

He's so powerful. He must know everything. And… there's no way I can overpower him, ' Austin thought, gulping.

"Okay. Let's not waste any more time. Boy, I'd like to have a word with you," Elder Saul said.

He extended a hand and waved for Austin to join him.

Austin's feet left the ground and he began floating towards Elder Saul. He tried to put his feet back on the ground but it was like an invisible rope had wound around his waist and began reeling him away. He couldn't move at all.

Trying to save him, Elder Sharp dashed forward and stood in front of Austin. He spread his limbs and vital energy burst from his body, creating a bubble around Austin that stopped him in his tracks.

Elder Saul didn't seem fazed by this. He simply waved his hand and sighed.


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