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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1968

Whoever this guy was, he had guts, but lacked brains. The crown prince, after marrying two ladies, had come out on the streets with his parents to celebrate. And slap bang in the middle of that procession, this guy had jumped on the streets to block the royal carriages' path.

Everyone was stunned.

This guy was clearly a fool.

All eyes fell on Austin, who was standing in the center of the street.

"Go to hell!

Guards. Throw this idiot in prison! The worst kind of prison!"

It didn't take long for the protective detail of the royal carriages to react.

A middle-aged man in a purple robe rushed out of the crowd around the royal carriages. Standing in front of the group, he waved his hand and shouted a command.

Immediately, more than a dozen imperial guards ran towards Austin with shiny spears in their hands.

"There, that's him. That is Hardy alright. He sneaked behind me and attacked me, almost managing to kill me. It was this man who forced me into this miserable state. I am a half-human and half-ghost only because of him!"

The moment the purple robed man appeared out of the crowd, the Flame Emperor roared in Austin's Soul Sea.

"Calm down. He is not going to run anywhere this time."

Austin assured the Flame Emperor.

"You son of a bitch! Be damned and get away from here!"

At that moment, the royal guards had almost reached Austin and were about to make their move.

Austin smiled faintly. There was a slight tremor on his lips and instantly, a powerful vital energy force was released towards his attackers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The guards were thrown into the air and fell down several thousand meters away.

"How dare you!

You're trying to mess with the royal family, you brat! I'll have your head for this!"

The purple robed man, who Austin now knew as Hardy, flew into a rage on this sight and rushed towards Austin himself.

As a cultivator at the premium stage of Major-perfection Realm, Hardy was extremely capable and could easily take care of several opponents at once.

However, Austin noticed something interesting: the vital energy force Hardy had was very weak and unstable. It was likely that he had forced himself to reach the premium stage of Major-perfection Realm by taking some pills or other unnatural means.

So his strength was not even close enough to Austin's.

Even cultivators who were at the Major-perfection Realm and had practiced formidable secret skills from the top sects and four major schools of Middle Pilgrim Land had been defeated by Austin. This man was a joke in front of them.

His strength was ridiculously and laughably low.


Hardy released his vital energy force and threw it towards Austin. Though weak, its movement still made the air whirl. Sand rushed upwards due to that and flew towards Austin.

The buildings on the sides of the street also crumbled down due to the intense pressure difference. Both sides of the street were immediately transformed into ruins.

An actual master of the Major-perfection Realm could easily shatter a mountain into pieces. Hardy, though forcibly at this stage, was still powerful enough to shatter the buildings.

"The Border General is really powerful!"

"The general's power is amazing! He is indeed the backbone of our empire!" For the people, even this much power was astounding. They began praising Hardy.

"General Hardy is invincible and the perfect man to protect our empire. We're lucky to have him!"

"Come on general! Show us your mighty strength. Kill him!"

The street was soon filled with cheers.

General Hardy, in control of the military power of the empire, was fully trusted by the emperor to do his job. He was overwhelmingly powerful as far as the Cloud Empire was concerned.

Numerous people wanted to flatter him and get on his good side. The opportunity had presented itself today, and those brown-nosers weren't going to miss it. Their praises rang loudly in the streets; at least for a while.

"This guy is a clown!"

Austin let out a sigh. Although his voice was low, it was clearly heard by everyone around him.

All of a sudden, cheers died down as everyone was stunned on his remark. A dead silence enveloped the whole place.

"You bastard! Go to hell!"

Hardy could no longer hold back. He too had heard the remark and gotten furious. He decided he was going to kill Austin right now.


He stretched out his right hand and it began to glow with a dazzling golden light. The light then began to increase in intensity. Very soon, his hand morphed itself into a huge, golden Buddha palm. Some chants could also be heard coming from the palm.

The palm grew so large that it covered half of the street, trying to pat down Austin like a fly.

Austin simply sneered.

He didn't even dodge.

Instead, he started to prepare his physical strength. Suddenly, his entire body was covered with blazing illusory flames. And then, Austin punched out.

His fist and the huge golden Buddha palm collided with each other.


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