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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1970

"My son!" cried the empress. Watching her son being killed before her eyes was so horrifying for her.

"You, traitor! You also deserve to die!" she shouted towards the Flame Emperor.

However, before she could make any move, the Flame Emperor also stepped on her head. Because of too much pressure, her head exploded. Her brain and blood spurted out all over the ground.

Austin had infused some vital energy force into the dummy body of the Flame Emperor. Austin was such a brilliant and strong cultivator in terms of both vital energy force and physical strength. Even the dummy body he created for the Flame Emperor only contained very little of his strength, it was enough to kill less advanced cultivators like the royal family members. Because of his energy, kicking and stepping into a person's head was just a piece of cake.

"Well, after so many years, you come back to life to seek revenge," said the emperor.

"Ha-ha! Perhaps, this is my fate. This is the destiny I can't escape."

The emperor knew that he was already doomed. He had decided to accept defeat so instead of putting up a fight against the Flame Emperor, he just looked at the Flame Emperor and laughed miserably.

On the other hand, Hardy wouldn't want to give up so quick so he tried to ask for mercy.

He came to the Flame Emperor and pleaded.

"Buddy, please forgive me. As a matter of fact, I was only ordered by Roy to do it. You also know that Roy was the prince of the Cloud Empire then and he was very powerful. If I had refused to obey his order, he would surely have killed me and my entire family. Please understand. I was only forced to do it. For the sake of our friendship in the past, please let me go."

Hardy was trembling in fear. After all, he had witnessed how the Flame Emperor had murdered the crown prince and the empress mercilessly.


Instead of answering Hardy, the Flame Emperor gave him a kick and stomped on his head. Hardy's head was instantly blown to bits.

The Flame Emperor had suffered for a thousand years because of Hardy made a attack on him and hurt his spiritual soul badly. How could he just let Hardy go that easily? No way!

"It's your turn, Roy."

The Flame Emperor walked towards the emperor.

However, before the Flame Emperor could approach the emperor, an angry voice echoed from the corner of the imperial capital city.

"Stop it, you bastard! How dare you make trouble here? Don't you know that this is the turf of the Arcane Holy Land? You must be courting death!"

In some corner of the imperial capital city, there was a huge and magnificent palace. Obviously, some important people were living there. The angry voice was coming from that palace.

"The National Counselor. He's out!" exclaimed the emperor.

"National Counselor, help me!" he shouted.

The emperor was surprised to hear the voice but he was so delighted at the same time. It was really true that a man in despair would certainly grasped at straws.

Austin didn't say anything. He just smiled.

The Flame Emperor halted when he heard the voice as well.


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