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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1979


A brownish yellow light emerged slowly from somewhere in the mountains.

The brownish yellow stream of light soared into the air, followed by a loud explosion.

To everyone's astonishment, a huge piece of land appeared in the sky above the Mighty Mountains.

"The venue for the selection test is the piece of land which you can see suspended in the sky. Now, everyone should come up to take part in the selection test."

The cold voice rang out as it made the announcement from the suspended land again.

The next moment, everyone began to fly up towards the land. No one wanted to be left behind.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless figures rushed from different positions on the ground below and flew up towards the suspended land, like locusts.

"Let's go upwards,"

said the Peacock King. Instantly he too flew towards the land.

The others followed him without any hesitation.

There was no one to be left behind, and Austin was among them.

Brady, Caroline, the gnome, and Violet followed him closely.

Soon, all of them landed on the suspended piece of land in the sky.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Austin was amazed. He could not help but admire it.

On landing, they saw a vast and boundless square that was on the suspended land.

The dense spiritual energy turned into a fog and drifted slowly in the air. All the people started to feel comfortable as they bathed in the misty fog.

After having a quick glance around, everyone's eyes were fixed on the center of the square.

In the center of the huge square, there was a shining stone, a stela.

The stela was huge. It was at least a thousand meters high, magnificent and sparkling.

"Hello, everyone! Welcome to the selection test of our four schools.

I don't want to talk much and delay the process.

Let me just inform you about the rules of the test.

This time, the four schools are going to recruit far more new students in the East Mainland than they have done earlier.

So, we are going to recruit four hundred new students in the East Mainland this time!"

Suddenly, four old men appeared beside the stone stela.

One of them, an old man in grey, slowly explained to everyone the rules. His hair was a mix of white and black.


Four hundred new recruits!

As soon as everyone heard the old man's words, their faces showed how unbelievable it was for them. The expressions on their faces conveyed their bewilderment.

The whole square began to stir with buzzing sound of whispers.

Every young cultivator was overjoyed to know that there was going to be a recruitment drive of four hundred cultivators.

Earlier, the four schools used to recruit less than a hundred new students in the East Mainland every time.

Sometimes, the number was far less, ranging between mere twenty and thirty new students.

However, this time, they had planned to recruit four hundred students. It meant that many young cultivators, who probably would not have got a chance earlier, now could have high hopes of getting through.

"Ha ha! That is great!

If they had decided to recruit only a dozen students, I don't think I would have got any chance at all.

Now that they plan to recruit four hundred, I think it is very likely that I will get to join any of the four schools."

"God bless me! No doubt that this is the best opportunity for me. Whatever happens, I must seize the opportunity this time!

This is the time and chance to change my fate!"

many young cultivators expressed in low yet excited voices as they were filled with new energy and vigor.


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