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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1981

The contest continued with full vigor. The young cultivators who could not meet the levels and failed to make it into the top 400 were eliminated quickly.

"Let me have a go at it! Come on."

Suddenly, all the young cultivators present there stepped aside and made way for a slender young man in black clothes as he walked up to the Talent Stela to display and put to test his talent.

The young man in black who appeared suddenly shot the most spiteful glance at Austin. It was evident from his body language that he wanted to pounce upon Austin and destroy him.

This young man in black was the Max of the Ji Clan.

Despite his visible angst and rage towards Austin he controlled his anger.

"I'm Max Ji."

Max introduced himself in all grace and grandeur in front of the stela. Then the dark vital energy emerged from his body and gathered around his fist. He punched the stela with the full force that his body possessed.

"He won the first place!"

The whole place rumbled with the exclamations from different people present there.

Max's name showed up in the first grid on the top of the stela, showing that he was at the top of the list and ranked in the first position.

A reclusive elder of the Ji Clan laughed heartily when he saw Max's name on the first grid.

"Great job, Max. Well done!

May God always grace and bless our great clan. Looks like we got another genius except Henry," the reclusive elder said loudly and cheerfully as if it was his personal triumph.

"Max is gifted, smart and awesome!"

The young cultivators of the Ji Clan cheered up and gained the lost confidence back with Max being there.

"Humph. Some one really needs to recognize the real genius here!"

He gave Austin his most stern look. His face glowed with pride.

Austin responded with his most casual smile and completely ignored the fact that Max was threatening him.

The only reason he remained calm like an iceberg was because he knew that he was much more powerful than Max and no more considered him to be a worthy opponent or thought of him as a real danger.

Therefore, Austin gracefully ignored Max and his wrath.

A young man dressed in purple reached the Talent Stela.

"Stephen Zhou," he uttered in front of the stela with concentration.

He was the Holy Son of the Arcane Holy Land—Stephen Zhou.

He stretched out his right hand straight, and emitted a dazzling purple light that hit the stela immediately.

"You have successfully secured the second rank! Brilliant job, Stephen. You didn't disappoint me, rather you have shone through with flying colors,"


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