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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1987

Seemingly in a hurry, all the new disciples of the four major schools walked to the Talent Stela.

As they positioned, the old man in grey stepped forward. He cleared his throat and announced out loud, "Now, after selecting you all, it is time that we announce in which school you are assigned to, and it was based on the ranking of your talents.

Rest assured that the distribution was carried out on a fair footing and was completely according to the level of your talent. We made sure that all those of the same level of talent, no matter how high or low, will be placed to the appropriate school.

Of course, the decision is to our discretion, which means none of you have the right to choose. If any of you have any violent reactions, you are encouraged to leave.

Now, each of us stand for one of the four schools. Please, listen carefully and do remember.

This elder here represents the White Tiger School, Elder Allen for the Rose Finch School, Elder Barton for the Black Tortoise School, and lastly, I represent the Blue Dragon School.

This time, we are going to call out your names, and once we do it, step forward and come towards the representative to whom you will be joining the school with. Again, the decision we made is final."

After the announcement, the four elders started allocating the 400 new disciples according to the decided distribution.

The whole process had lasted for about an hour and would have been finished sooner if not for those disciples who had failed to listen carefully. This made some elders grunt in disappointment, but the whole procedure must go on.

Finally, to everyone's convenience, the process was finished. Austin looked around and noticed that the four elders did seem to have scrutinized every single one of the 400 new disciples and distributed them according to the level of their talents.

The four elders each represented a school, and each school had gotten 100 new disciples.

However, one person caught his eye, which surprised him. He saw Caroline lined up in front of Elder Allen, who represented the Rose Finch School.

Seeing her there made his eyebrows turn into a frown. He felt very disappointed.

All this time he had been hoping that they both would get to be assigned to the same school, so that they could look out and take care of each other.

Austin hesitated for a moment but knew that he had to risk it, or else, he would have regretted not trying, so he strode toward the old man in grey and requested respectfully, "Pardon me, sir, although I am aware that the decision is final, and you are discouraging any requests or reactions, but is there a chance that you can change the decision and let Caroline join the Blue Dragon School?"

Austin knew that the old man in grey clothes, who represented the Blue Dragon School, had the right to choose his favored disciples and recruit any qualified disciples to the school he represented. However, as expected, the old man in grey reacted with a frown on his face.

"What bullshit is this I hear from you, son?

There is no way to change the decision, and as I have said before and would say again now, I am encouraging those who have violent reactions to leave.


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