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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1999

Pacing back and forth, Anderson said in a sullen tone, "I don't care whatever happened! Now that I finally found such a promising young cultivator, you had no right to lose him!"

He stopped and pointed a finger at Elder Chris.

"If you don't get him back as soon as possible, I will never let you go. You hear me?" Anderson then sulked on a wooden armchair and acted as if he would not listen to any excuses until his promising cultivator was returned back here.

A man, wearing blue clothes, sighed and decided to intervene.

"Oh, come on, dude, will you loosen up a bit and stop blaming Elder Chris about it? Besides, after he came back with the new students, he came to me immediately and explained everything to me.

I am certain that Elder Chris tried his best.

Perhaps, that Austin had some unfinished business to deal with that he forgot about, or something had happened to him. Either way, you should not blame Elder Chris for this issue.

Setting that aside, are you really sure that Austin was the one who caused the abnormal phenomenon of the Talent Stela?

Because, if that's the case, it means that he is indeed the most talented cultivator in our Divine Continent for the past several centuries.

To be honest, it still seems unbelievable."

The man folded his arms across his chest as he thought about what Anderson had told him. Even though he tried to imagine it, it still seemed impossible for him. He shifted his weight to the other foot, and at first sight, he did look less than a cultivator because he didn't release the vital energy.

He gave an utmost impression of being poised but unambitious.

Although he looked in his early thirties, he was much older than he appeared to be.

Regardless of how he looked, this person was still the dean of the Blue Dragon School, one of the four biggest martial arts schools in the Divine Continent.

Hearing what the dean just asked, Anderson frowned even more.

"Are you telling me that you don't believe what I said?" he responded and sounded annoyed.

"Well, I'm not saying that I don't believe you. What I'm trying to say is that it just seemed impossible.

For the past four hundred years, no one in our Divine Continent was able to trigger the abnormal vision of Talent Stela.

Yes, it seems like our continent just did not have luck on our side, since there have been many incredible talents on the other continents.

Then, out of nowhere, you tell me that an exceptional genius appeared and was able to do what we couldn't for the past four centuries.

We have accepted the fact that our continent lacked promising, talented young cultivators in the past.

If this person really is as talented as you described him to be, then it is indeed great news to our continent, which is enough to celebrate about.

However, since I wasn't there and wasn't able to witness the abnormal phenomenon of the Talen Stela with my own eyes, I still find it hard to believe, so forgive me if I sounded rude. Besides, part of me hopes it's true, because it is very rare to meet an exceptional genius nowadays,"

the dean said as he placed his arms behind his back.

Anderson looked at the dean for a moment and relaxed his expression.

He turned to look away and said, "Hmm, I understand.

You can ask Elder Chris about it, since he saw it with his own eyes.

I'm certain that I did not make it up."

With the topic diverted, Elder Chris enthusiastically confirmed with a nod and replied, "Yes, yes, dean, I saw the strange phenomenon of the Talent Stela with my own eyes, and there were more witnesses as well.

To be honest, I have never seen quite like that in my whole life.

I am certain that that Austin we speak of is indeed more talented than the other applicants."

The dean nodded slowly.

"Well, I sure hope so.

Then again, why did Austin suddenly disappear? Did anything bad happen to him?"

Anderson sighed and responded, "Alas, I hope he is all right."


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