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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2038

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The warships of the other three schools had also arrived.

A total of four gigantic warships descended and floated in the air.

From a closer distance, everyone saw the world more clearly.

Its topography was rich, and it looked just the same as the Divine Continent.

"What are those?"

someone asked in sheer curiosity.

On the horizon far away, a red shadow flashed and quickly turned into a red dot.

"Look! It's a rat!"

When it materialized before the four warships, everyone saw its real appearance.

It turned out to be a mouse. It was as big as a water bull with red fur all over its body. In a heartbeat, it rushed towards the golden warship of the Blue Dragon School and clanged on it.


A crisp metal trembling sound blared, and sparks fiercely splashed between the red-furred beast's teeth.

People were utterly shocked and thought if the monster was powerful.

The golden warship was not an ordinary thing at all. It had not only very sturdy material but also had many advanced arrays.

Yet the mouse was not killed or lest hurt when it came in contact with the warship.

"Everyone, don't look down upon this mouse. It's very powerful!"

an elder warned sternly.

Many creatures within the Astral World of martial arts materialized, most of which originated from very remote ancient times and fell under the category of rare demonic and diabolic beasts. Many of them were already extinct in the outside world.

Even if one met an ant in the Astral World, he still ought to be careful. Otherwise, it just might kill him without any sign.


Before the elder could do anything, the red-haired monster glowed and dissipated, disappearing into the ground.


Everyone was utterly surprised.

"This red-haired mouse is so powerful. It knows how to hide under the ground so quickly."

All of them who witnessed the same thing was extremely amazed.

Although any mouse could dig a hole into the ground, which was their inherent talent, the red-haired mouse went into the earth too fast and then disappeared instantly.

Apparently, it was an advanced skill of hiding and escaping.

"Okay, let's get off the boat.

Your trials in the Astral World are about to begin,"

the old man with grey hair thundered to all the disciples of the four most prominent schools.

Hence, everyone jumped off the warships and stood on the cold ground.

"Each of you gets a Lifesaving Teleportation Rune from an elder of your school.

It will automatically be activated at the very moment you are about to be killed, and will then teleport you back to your respective ships.

This Lifesaving Teleportation Rune is equivalent to one extra life of yours.

If you lose the Lifesaving Teleportation Rune in the Astral World, then I'm afraid no one can save you from getting killed.

Therefore, you must keep and hide it well. Do not lose it,"

the white-haired old man explained audibly.

"More than that, each of you will also get a map of the Astral World.


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