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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2065

After fighting for a while, things weren't looking good for Austin. The young man in red was ruthless and ran around the battle ring, taunting and jeering at him.

In his head, Austin counted all the assets he had: strong physical strength, the Five Elements Dominant Swordsmanship, the Spiritual Pot, the Nine Flaming Stelae Array, the Blazing Divine Palm, the Infernal Scripture, and more. It didn't make any sense to him; all of these treasures were so powerful and they had never let him down before.

As he looked at the young man in red, he came to terms that he didn't have the upper hand in this battle. In fact, the young man in red looked relaxed, like he was on a beach somewhere. He hadn't shown Austin his best cards yet and that worried Austin even more.

"This is amusing. You are a powerful opponent but your attempts are still futile.

No matter how hard you fight, there isn't a chance you will win my martial arts inheritance,"

the young man said, and he was only inches away from sticking out his tongue in mockery. Austin tensed.

"Come on!"

Austin yelled, lifting his arms.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Out of Austin's elixir field, four enormous, golden light balls emerged. They floated above his head and caught on fire, illuminating the area around him in orange.

The four balls began spinning around Austin at high speed so that the flames surrounded him like a blur. He looked like a god standing in the ring.


It appeared that the balls hadn't fazed the young man because he quickly fired back. Before long, they had both began fighting again.

Drips of sweat ran down Austin's back as he struggled to keep up with the young man's strength and power.

As a result of the two's power, the battle ring was filled with giant waves of vital energy force.

Inside the battle ring, it looked like the earth at their feet was beginning to split from the force of the fight. The two of them were almost nose-to-nose, and it appeared neither of them would be willing to surrender any time soon.

Outside the battle ring, all the cultivators who were on the top of the tomb were standing stock still and watching the battle commence. They thought they had seen a good fight before, but this was the real fight. It seemed they would fight to the death this time.

As they continued to battle, the waves of vital energy stirred up the wind and it swept around them.

It obscured the cultivator's vision as sand and stone swirled through the air. All they could make out was two blurred figures as they ran and fought, like an intricate dance.

Finally, with a loud bang, they separated. The chaos dissipated and peace finally returned to the ring.

Austin planted his feet in one spot and laid his eyes on the young man in red. He had moved a thousand feet away and was watching Austin also, like a hawk.

Austin sighed internally. He was running out of options and the young man was still spry and ready to give his all.

In only the few minutes of fighting, Austin had used almost all his kill shots.

The only ones he still held close were the Dragon Formula, the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor, and the demonic avatar. He had basically exhausted everything else and had no results to show for it.

It was the first time in Austin's life that he had met more than he could handle alone.

The young man was his greatest challenge so far.

"This is interesting, more so than I have expected. You are strong.

However, if this is the best that you can do, you still won't be able to defeat me.

Do you have any other tricks up your sleeves? If not, then I've already won,"

the young man in red said to Austin with a relaxed smile on his face.

His skin was red like jade and there wasn't a single scratch on it, despite how thin it appeared. His bone structure in his face made him look like he was carved from rock. Behind him, his long, red hair blew in the breeze. He looked so interesting that even Austin could see his charm.

"Uh oh. Would you look at that? It seems that Martin is unable to defeat the young avatar of the red demonic mouse!"

"Yes, the red demonic mouse is one of the ten ancient chaotic creatures in the ancient times.

Martin is really powerful, but it's absolutely impossible for him to defeat the red demonic mouse!"

many people on top of the tomb platform began to gloat and laugh amongst themselves.

After seeing Austin struggle, the seeded disciples, who had been depressed a moment ago, felt ten times better.

These disciples were the true representative of the fighting power of the four major schools. They were the highest in status out of everyone there.

However, they had been unsuccessful in defeating the young avatar of the red demonic mouse. So, if one of the followers defeated him, it would definitely embarrass these seeded disciples in the four major schools in the future.

In the battle ring, Austin tapped his fingers on the sides of his thighs.

His mind was racing in search of a way out of this.


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