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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2122

Slowly, the men took in the sight of the boundless desert in front of them. It looked perilous and bloody from the miles of red sand. All they could see was dust whirling in the distance.

Unfortunately, Austin couldn't use his vital energy force to fly across the desert; however, with some quick thinking, Austin used his strength and bodily movement skill to cast himself over the earth. He moved like a charging train as he headed for the only visible structure.

On his heels was Brady who had decided to follow Austin instead of returning to the Slave Tower.

In fact, Austin had already engraved the spiritual sense array several times in the Slave Tower.

The spiritual sense array that Elder Sharp had taught Austin could become more powerful as his spiritual sense grew stronger. The stronger his spiritual sense was, the stronger the spiritual sense array was.

Therefore, Brady could come out of the Tower longer than he used to.

In fact, Brady enjoyed the idea of being in the world outside the Tower every once in a while.

Brady smiled as they traveled across the desert.

For hundreds of thousands of years, he had been kept in the Slave Tower after he was refined into a guardian spirit by Kevin, so he loved being able to be out.

As they traveled further along the desert, the structure became clearer. Austin noticed that it was made up of giant pillars stood in rows. They were thick, round, and ancient.

Even the foundation of the structure was still intact. It was about tens of feet long and tens of feet wide and half covered by dusty, red sand.

"Do you know what this structure is? It can't be a building because it's huge! Was it the residence of giants?"

Austin asked Brady as they landed in the middle of it.

On the stone pillars, there were carvings of mysterious creatures and

as Austin glanced at them, he recognized what they were.

"These creatures look similar to the evil creatures that I encountered in the Astral World!"

He walked up to the tallest pillar and squinted his eyes, trying to see more closely.

There was a thick layer of dust completely around the circumference of the pillar.

Waving his sleeve, Austin used his vital energy force to wipe it away. The dust was carried away by the breeze.

"Brat, what do you think you're doing? Don't you know that the law concerning old relics in the Land of Life-and-death is to not get too close to or touch them? They are extremely sacred and, therefore, dangerous,"

the Flame Emperor snapped at Austin.

"Yeah, right. It's just a legend,"

Austin replied, smiling coyly.

In the distance, a strong wind picked up, carrying red dust all the way to the sky.

"Oh no… What's wrong with the wind? The sun was shining in the sky just now,"

Brady said, looking into the distance and shielding his eyes.

The dust cloud was coming towards them like a giant, bloody wave.


As it approached, it became louder until they could barely hear their hearts beating in their chests.

"The black cyclone!

Something is wrong,"

Brady added, spinning to face Austin in panic.

Austin looked at the dust and noticed what Brady was going on about.

From distance, little shadows were forming and spinning away from it. They looked sinister as they spun like mini tornados from all direction.

Together, it all combined to make a giant black cyclone.

"Why is the wind so strong? What is happening?"

Austin shouted over all the noise.


The black cyclone ripped up the sand from the desert as it swirled nearer. Everything around it became dark like night had suddenly fallen.


From the middle of the black cyclone, many large and long black claws swept out. They struggled against its pull as if they were trying to break free.

Blood dripped from them and turned the red sand even redder.

Gusts of wind hit Austin and Brady so hard that they wobbled on their feet and the skin on their faces stretched back.

They looked at each other and fear was brimming in both of their eyes.


Finally, the black cyclone had reached them.


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