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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2224

"Whoa. Do you know how close you were to scaring me?

And look, it's only a broken divine magic treasure. So puny!

A weakling like you can't exert its full power!"

mocked the huge, black hand as laughter bubbled between the words.

"I don't believe it! He said it's a divine magic treasure! That means it must be true!"

"I thought that all the divine magic treasures of our world had been destroyed after the war in ancient times.

How could this old man have one?"

"He must be extremely powerful! I heard that every divine magic treasure was birthed by immortals and its power is beyond our imagination!"

Excitement and a touch of fear spread rapidly among the Immortal Transforming Realm masters of the Immortal End World that were watching.

Some of them cried out in surprise as Mr. Fang lifted the blade at the giant, black hand.

"You want to talk down to me? I'll kill you!"

Mr. Fang shouted with some hurt clear in his voice.

From the blade, thick beams of light shone like strobe lights.

Witnessing it, Austin felt his heart momentarily stop in his chest.

'I've never seen blade skills as advanced as this elder's. It's almost as if the blade is a part of his body.

He is much better at using a blade than me.'

It was clear that Mr. Fang was using a blade skill composed of the Five Elements Dominant Swordsmanship and other profound blade skills that Austin had never even heard of yet.

No one there could believe what was happening. Everything was tense as Mr. Fang activated the old, rusty dagger.

It began to glow so bright that everyone but Mr. Fang had to close their eyes. The area around them turned bright and looked like a joyful place, except for the battle that was about to take place.

The dagger shed the rust and it looked like a new, sharp one.


Mr. Fang threw the dagger and it aimed directly at the giant, black hand.

At the same time, innumerable white, iron chains emerged from the void and flew at the hand to immobilize it.

The white, iron chains were made from the laws of the world and were meant to weaken the giant, black hand and make it easier to be defeated.

"Break it!"

the giant, black hand roared as it sensed the approaching power.

The moment it finished speaking, the sound of shaking chains could be heard.

Everyone looked to the hand and saw that black chains were stringing out of the hand like spider webs.

Immediately, the whole space was covered in them.

Hundreds of millions of black chains, like black snakes, slithered towards the glowing dagger and Mr. Fang.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

People yelled out as the ground began to tremble.

Like breaking glass, the space began to shatter and crumble away. Fragments flew in the air, causing everyone to duck and protect themselves. Their vision became blurred and none of them could see the battle any longer.

The fighting was causing so much energy to be released that countless mountains collapsed, rivers and lakes evaporated, and the ground sank to form a deep abyss.

An earthquake spread to every inch of the Divine Continent within seconds.

"Quick! We have to protect our land before they destroy everything!"

one of the great masters at the Immortal Transforming Realm shouted.

The rest of them agreed and began randomly tossing their magic treasures to create domes that protected the ground from the shock waves.

Once the domes were made, they began shooting out arrays to protect the rest of the continent.

By the time cultivators had reached the Immortal Transforming Realm, they knew many of rules of the universe;

therefore, it was simple for them to create hundreds of arrays.

Still, it wasn't easy. It required a huge amount of natural resources to make one array.


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