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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 232

It might not have been furious with the man's words, but the Lion King was annoyed, and it couldn't keep that down. Suddenly, it let out a large, powerful roar that seemed to shake the whole sky. The purple flames, which were giving its brilliance, rose more than ten meters in the air. In just a moment, the sky turned purple. The three masters standing in front of the Lion King also saw a similar shade and the green of the trees had also dissolved now. The flame was extremely bright and dazzled everyone who saw it.

The Chief Elders of the Medicine Sect warned his companions, "Watch out!"

Hardly had he finished his words when the Lion King let out another terrible roar and a strong column of pure energy shot out from its large mouth, rolling all the way in front of it like a giant furious dragon. It was aimed at the three people from the Medicine Sect.

Within the blink of an eye, the energy column came up to them and their white robes started blowing in the wind brought along by it.

The middle-aged man who had become annoyed just now was almost pushed out of breath by the pressure pouring over him. He was shocked by the strength of the Purple Flame Lion King. It had looked like that Lion King had just opened its mouth carelessly, with no intention to attack them. But even that one careless roar was so powerful that the entire sky had turned purple. The man was now afraid and almost trembling. He was also regretting his arrogance.

The Chief Elder, standing in the middle, waved his hands and a sharp tulwar appeared in front of the three of them. The next moment, it started to spin, creating a circle with its handle as its center. A white disk made out of light was formed as it kept on spinning at an extreme pace, stirring the surrounding air. Gusts of wind poured out one after the other, and a giant, spinning, wind shield was formed to protect them in no time.

When the purple flame column and the wind shield ran into each other, the whole world seemed to stand still for a moment; one or two seconds later, a dull boom like thunder was heard. But the flame and the shield seemed to have reached stalemate. The energy of both the sides weakened little by little. The purple flame and the windshield gradually dimmed, became smaller with every second and finally, they disappeared into thin air.

The Chief Elder waved his hands once again and the tulwar flew back towards him, turning into a flash of silver and then disappearing into him.

On one side of the clearing, Austin was hiding behind a large tree, watching the impressive battle going on. He nodded his head repeatedly and uttered sighs of admiration unceasingly as he witnessed one shot after the next, "Wow, a battle between cultivators of the Mysterious Realm! It really widened my horizon! Compared to this, the fights that happen between cultivators at the Energy Gathering Realm or even the Earth Realm are nothing. The moon is not seen where the sun shines! If I could step into the Mysterious Realm one day and win a fight like that, I shall be content. Hell, even if I die, I'll die without regrets after being part of such a fight!"

"Master, that day will come soon! I am sure it's not going to be hard for you with all your gifts!"

Violet puckered her face into a smile and told Austin within him.

The words she had said had come from the bottom of her heart. Over the last several days, she had witnessed Austin jump from one level to another with her own eyes, and now, she regarded him as a miracle.


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