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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2324

Although the audience in the arena were becoming a little impatient since they had been waiting for a while, Master Kevin was not moved and didn't give any response.

Therefore, everyone had no choice but simply to be patient and keep waiting.

Meanwhile, at that moment, in a secret chamber of the Cultivation Tower, Austin sat cross legged like an old monk breathing calmly in meditation.

However, despite his calm exterior, there was an earth shaking change taking place within his body.

What was more, the biggest change was the power of his spiritual sense.

After making great efforts while cultivating and meditating for more than ten days, Austin could feel his spirit gradually making a significant improvement.

The quality of his spiritual soul became more and more solid. It was like a knife on the grinding stone, constantly being honed.

A magnificent glow emerged from his Soul Sea and it was reflected between his eyebrows. It was burning so bright and crystal clear that it lit up the entire secret room!

Over the past ten days, Austin's mind became clearer, more enlightened and profound. He was like a person who was about to understand all the secrets of this world!

"What is happening?"

Master Kevin had been observing Austin and took notice of his unusual behavior.

Others could only see and hear what was going on inside the secret room through the crystal screens which wasn't showing much.

However, Kevin was different. He could use his spiritual sense and penetrate into the Cultivation Tower where it could capture the subtle changes of each competitor.

Other contestants' spiritual sense power would make a significant increase when they entered the Heavenly Grotto Realm.

However, their spiritual senses and spiritual souls wouldn't have any significant changes, which was totally different from what Austin had experienced.

"How can this be happening?

Generally speaking, the transformation of the spiritual soul would occur when the warriors at the Heavenly Grotto Realm were about to make breakthrough to the Immortal Transforming Realm.

However, Austin made such a big change when he was about to make a breakthrough to the Heavenly Grotto Realm. Then, what would happen if he made a breakthrough to the Immortal Transforming Realm?

To be honest, the warriors should put their spiritual souls above everything else. That's the most important thing for them!

The change of their spiritual souls was the most fundamental change.

The kind of person who had undergone a transformation of the spiritual soul when breaking through to the Heavenly Grotto Realm would be the most amazing genius of all ages.

Such a genius was not likely to be born in any era.

Could it be true that I have finally met a genius?

Is Austin really a genius?"

After using his spiritual sense to feel Austin's changes for a moment, Kevin was so excited that he couldn't help trembling.

On the fourteenth day, among the remaining dozen contestants, four of them had made a successful breakthrough.

They each created more than 30 heavenly grottoes, which was considered just an average level.

This was because all the contestants participating in the Protector Competition were carefully selected by Master Kevin based on his experience over the last centuries traversing the whole Immortal End World.

Each of them was absolutely talented, and far ahead of their peers.

During the period of more than ten days, most contestants had made an effort to create more than twenty or thirty heavenly grottos.

On the fifteenth day, six contestants announced that they had failed to make a breakthrough and therefore quit the game.

Thus, there were only four people left in the secret cultivation room of the Cultivation Tower.

On the sixteenth day, among the remaining four contestants, three of them gave up and quit the game.

So there was only Austin left inside the Cultivation Tower, and he continued to meditate before he could make a breakthrough to the Heavenly Grotto Realm.


I think that this time it will be difficult for Austin to successfully break through to the Heavenly Grotto Realm.

Master Kevin, there is no need for us to waste our time.

Austin should just give up although he is unwilling. He has been there for long and yet he can't break through. He insists on staying in the Cultivation Tower yet he is just wasting time!"

Grandmaster Canelo tried to convince Master Kevin while also taking the opportunity to embarrass Austin.

In the arena where there were other spectators, some people nodded in agreement with Grandmaster Canelo.

Even Anderson was a little disappointed with Austin's performance. He thought that Austin might not be able to make a breakthrough this time.

"Austin must get out of the tower!

Must we wait for him every time he decides to go into seclusion?

Maybe he is just greedy and wants to take advantage of the cultivation environment inside the Cultivation Tower and is planning to cultivate in seclusion for a year and a half. Should we still wait?"

The middle-aged man beside Grandmaster Canelo raised his voice on purpose trying to incite the others.

"We will wait and give him a few more days,"

Master Kevin suddenly spoke in a low voice, breaking through the chaotic discussion that had ensued.

As soon as Master Kevin spoke, everyone else lowered their voice.

Master Kevin was a broken immortal, after all, Although his immortal body had been badly damaged in the ancient times and his strength was less powerful than before, he was still more powerful than any of the great masters at the Immortal Transforming Realm.

Thus, the crowd obeyed his wishes and continued to wait.

On the seventeenth day, nothing happened. Austin still sat cross legged in the Cultivation Tower and looked as calm as a cucumber.

It was the same as before on the eighteenth day.

On the nineteenth day, everyone in the arena became impatient once again.

"Master Kevin, it was clear as day and we saw it coming.


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